My cat peed in the toilet (without any training)

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Donโ€™t be surprised when he starts talking

My boy has done that on occasion as well.
Monkey see, monkey do I guess xD

No training? What do you think watching you in the bathroom is? ๐Ÿ˜พ๐Ÿ˜น

My cat misses the litter box regularly so this is infuriating

We are just few steps away from a Cat dominant society, I personally welcome our new Cat overseers.

Winston looks just like our Wilson! ๐Ÿ’›

Black and white cats are the cleverest of cats. So your post didn’t surprise me at all! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜„
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Bro Iโ€™m so jelly lmao I tried to train my cat to do this and nothing. Blessings ๐Ÿ˜‚

Smart boy! My parents trained their cat to go in the toilet but one time he slipped on the rim, got his paws wet, and never went in it again.

hahahahhaaha I can’t believe it

Winston! You little clever clogs!

of course itโ€™s a tuxedo cat ๐Ÿ˜ญ

And now you know the origin of Copycat ๐Ÿ˜‚ Pretty smart or inquisitive cat is my guess.

My cat did this too! I lived alone at the time and heard tinkling from the bathroom. I thought thereโ€™s no freaking way itโ€™s the cat. It was the cat!

I have ripples Greg could you milk me

Fine no big deal. When he sits there for thirty minutes reading the paper THEN publish it!! Cute

smart boy!!! neither of my cats would ever ๐Ÿ˜ญ in fact, my tuxie is more likely to break in and try and drink the toilet water than anything (she’s really weird and loves water, even with a completely clean and full water fountain she’ll occasionally go for the tap, toilet, or my water bottle)

My cat tried this once.ย 


She did her business, then slipped, fell backwards into the toilet, screamed like she was being murdered, sprinted out of the bathroom, and hid under the couch for a half hour before I lured her out and gave her a bath. Now, an open toilet is to be avoided at all costs.

Heโ€™s the Chosen One!

My cat pees in the sink if the litter is unsatisfactory for some reason (like when we tried to change brands). Never trained him, he just identified it as a good peeing spot.

My cat does the same (all the time)

There is an old post of it in my feed if you want to see it

They are a step away from world domination!

When I was seven, one of our three cats did this exact thing – and nobody believed me! Until my sister saw it, but for a while I thought I was hallucinating or something lol

Twice in the past I forgot and left the door to the litterbox room closed. The first time, my cat pooped in the bathtub. Second time, my other cat peed in my dryer (on my clothes ๐Ÿ˜ญ). Sure it wasnโ€™t ideal but it could have been so much worse. I love their instinct to pee/poop in some kind of container.

Thatโ€™s not that impressive, I do that multiple times a day.

Cats are very smart. We went away for two days and the little box was abnormally full. The cats somehow opened a new box of litter, opened the bag and all went inside the new box of litter! So smart!

They learn by example and they’re a lot smarter than you think. One time my cat’s box wasn’t ready either. I walked into the bathroom only to find her in the bathtub peeing down the drain. Lol. The poor thing wasn’t able to use the toilet because I kept the lid down since she was always jumping up on it and I was afraid she’d fall in!

Well, that’s awesome

I want my cat to go to the bathroom haha

He gonna be cooking and cleaning next![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)

What a clever furball!

I spent solid time trying to train mine to do this and it was not a thing. This is amazing.

Hahaha this is fantastic!
Smart cat!

Immediately force the tax on that cutie, he deserves it

I had a cat that did thatโ€ฆ he quit doing it after I got him neutered lol.

What a smarty little poopy boy ๐Ÿฅบ

Iโ€™m so proud of him!ย 

My cat does this but she just goes on the base

You lucky bugger!

My senile cat has decided that the area at our front door is now her toilet!!!! Iโ€™ve had to put a puppy pad and her cat litter at the door now. I wish she would do this, instead I am greeted by the stinkiest shit and piss as I open my door๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ

Just donโ€™t teach him how to flush. Some cats do it over and over just to watch the water swirl around.

The novelty of this wears off when they start budging you to get to the bathroom.

My dearly departed Liam would wait until I was about to sit down in the morning to do my business, then jump up on the toilet seat just as pants met the floor and get to it first instead.

one of my cats loves to pee in the tub right on the drain when im on the toilet. pee buddies i guess

living the dream!!!

My cat does this too sometimes but on the wall not the toilet.

Omgggg! I also want to make my kitten go to the bathroom, because many times it bothers him to go to his litter box for some reason

was the cat owned before you had the little fella??

Just keep an eye on him for any other urinary issues and get him to a vet if necessary. My old boy started peeing in the toilet when he was having stress response urinary issues.

I wish my two did this cause they love to shit outside of the litter box instead of in.

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