My copilot think’s he’s hilarious

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And I agree with him.

Sadly, youโ€™ll never toggle either of these again without thinking about this image etched in your brain.

Just move the paper one set of controls to the left

What do those knobs do?

Do pay cheques next

“*I’ve dwelled among the humans. Their entire culture is built around their penises. It’s funny to say they are small, it’s funny to say they are big. I’ve been at parties where humans have held bottles, pencils and thermoses in front of themselves and called out, ‘Hey, look at me! I’m Mr. So-And-So Dick! I’ve got such-and-such for a penis!’ I never saw it fail to get a laugh.*”

Then thereโ€™s me. Iโ€™m the reason they call it the COCKpit.

FAA has entered the chat. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I mean he is hilarious. Love to spend my work with someone like that

/r/shittyaskflying is leaking

he is

Just move it over one spot to the left.

Looks like he is uncut

Your co-pilot may be gay and this may be his idea of making a pass at you.

Something something cockpit

He is.

Your co-pilot is really like that. Appreciate him.

Lol, thatโ€™s childish but also funny as heck

But is it true?

u/balsadust this is the song you two should listen to, to formalize this occasion

If you canโ€™t make penis jokes then why even be a pilot?

Really putting the cock in cockpit

When both buttons are up does that turn the plane on?

He but at least he flipped the stereotype.

Eyes on the road, buddy,

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