My dad just DM’d me this meme lmao

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Honestly w dad

Yeah I think America going back to 1942 Germany is more of a problem than “men” transitioning into gorgeous women

– Signed, a bigender lesbian who’s a huge transfeminist (or a trans ally in general)

W dad

Based dad

Its amazing how such a small harmless portion of the population can be so feared.

W dad. the ally we deserve.

Dad of the year 😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥

Idk how your dad acts or what his beliefs are, but it’s kinda wild that this is literally all my dad would have had to do to make me feel supported.

We live in rural Kansas, and he was the chief of police, like I get it bro small town politics are vicious sometimes. He didn’t even have to use my chosen name and pronouns. Literally I just wanted him to signal his support.

But no.

We made peace with each other before he passed, but it really is sad that this is all most of us want and we’re still seen as unreasonable.

I love your dad! Can he be my dad too?

What we should *really* be concerned about

W dad btw

Based dad

mega based dad

Just saw this on popular.

To be the yin to the yang, I’m sending this to my parents who have no LGBTQ+ kids (all allys) but will absolutely love it.

I want to hug your dad and tell him thanks, give him a hug from me please. 🤗 And let him know how much we appreciate him.

Common cool father w. True father.

Honestly, most based thing I’ve seen in the internet

He deserves one of those ‘World’s Best Dad’ mugs ☕️

Tell your dad I’m screenshotting his based meme

I like this, can I save and share?

If I can’t play sports because I was born with a penis then billionaires shouldn’t be allowed to invest if they were born into wealth. It’s only fair.

I like your dad

One will actually affect me, the other will not. 

Based dad

W dad

Lo sono gia

Reverse dad meme where the son tells dad he’s winning instead

Americans aren’t transitioning into Nazis. It was always here. The Nazis fetishized the antebellum south. The design for the concentration camps was literally inspired by slave plantations.

Nazi Germany was an attempt to recreate the American south in Europe. Just with a different out group. Like with all things around that time, industrialization overcharged it which meant bodies got burned out faster and people died sooner.

What happened to slaves that couldn’t work anymore? They got put down like a sick animal.

This shit didn’t come to America. We didn’t go out and idealize it. They stole it from us, and the powers that be have spent the past hundred years doing everything they can to make sure you don’t know that.

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