My dad’s response after I called him to admit I was struggling with alcohol and was going to go to rehab for 30 days

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You got a good dad. Both of you are doing a great job

That’s lovely and wholesome. You got this!

Please do this for both of you! And post pictures of half dome or El Cap!!

Every dad should be like this.There should be a class.

This guy has some serious class

Cool dad moment for sure but the real story here is you. It took me till 40yrs old and almost ruining my life multiple times before I got to the point you’re already at. For some of us alchohol is different, there is no one beer for me, it never ends at one I just can’t control myself after that first sip. So happy you’re getting support!!! The future is bright!!!

Proud of you and proud of your dad. 

One day at a time friend, proud of you!

What a loving supportive dad! Great for you to decide to get help. Keep on it once you get out. Enjoy your trip to Yosemite. It does not disappoint.

That takes a lot of courage.

My uncle drank himself to death on Christmas. He never admitted he had a problem. It’s a hard battle, and you will win if you face it. Keep struggling in the right direction and enjoy your hiking trip!

Such an amazing response! Come join us over at r/stopdrinking 💕

u have a cool dad![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)

This subreddit has the worst name. It always makes me tear up.

Congratulations on your decision and your dad is an absolute MVP. Sending you thoughts of strength and hope.

I know EXACTLY how your dad feels. My son got his one year coin from AA last week. You made a huge step to recovery with your decision and that had to come from you and you alone. I’m proud of my son and I’m proud of you. Enjoy Yosemite. I suggest the hike up to Half Dome.

I’m sober 17 years now. I can promise you that things don’t just turn to rainbows and sunshine when you quit, but facing the stuff life throws at you as the best possible version of yourself makes all the difference in the world. I’m proud of you, too, man. I hope you enjoy that hike. Give your dad a hug. He wants one.

This is so amazing. Please cherish your dad forever and always. I would have killed to have a loving father.

Good luck on your recovery! You got this ♥️

Looks like you have a lot of love supporting you ❤️

Good for you. Now keep that promise. One day at a time. Recovery isn’t a destination but an ongoing journey. Corny but it’s true.

Please update us with pics from Yosemite. ♥️

You get a car, you get a car, and in my dreams, we all get hoverboards powered by the laughter of puppies!

I love you Dad it gets it. Is he adopting no joke 💓 my parents never got it especially the younger sibling who is always jealous of me & did everything they could to kick me down WHILE I was down. Always trying to hurt me through it and they still throw it in my face all the time 15 years later.
I’m proud of you and your dad, we are now family 🥰🤜🏻🤛🏻

Cool dad shit

This is unconditional love and it’s a beautiful thing. Good luck on your recovery journey

I’m so happy and proud of you! You’re going to be great, especially with a support team like that 🥹💜

You’ve got amazing parents!

This is why people would get sober intentionally. Positive feedback and support, not cruel judgements and anger.

You’re doing the right thing! Dig into that program!

Really happy for you, it’s a new world on the other side.

Take care. Take it day by day. When it gets tough take it minute by minute. It will pass.

You will find there’s a lot of space (and money,) in your life for new great things that alcohol used to monopolize and consume. Like trips to Yosemite! Make the most out of it.

Please hug your dad for me dude 🥺

Take the bus up to glacier point in the morning and hike panorama trail for the day, it’s a beautiful day hike and leaves you at the bottom of the valley. you can get pizza at the little pizza place while the stars come out. Good luck.

I love his response. He says he’s proud of you, that you’re making the right decision, and gives you something to look forward to when you’re done.

OP, we’re all proud of you. Stick with it! Brighter days coming.

Holy shit…this is sensational!

GG pops

Maybe it’s because I’m really high but I fucking love your dad. I hope you know how lucky you are in the father category.

Hope things get Good man!

Are you a woman?

You got this!

I am really proud of you.

I wish you the absolute best luck in the world, and hope that you can do this and many more awesome things with your dad in the near future! You got this!❤️

Two winners here. Seeking help and providing support. I wish you the best!

This is awesome and good luck!

Hell yeah! I’m so proud of you! You can do it. Have fun hiking! Post pics!

I need to read more of these stories. Truly gives me hope for people. TY

I wish my parents were like this. 

Have fun in Yosemite. There’s a great Yosemite Reddit page. Get inspired!! Good luck to you my friend 😍

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