My date cancelled 2 hrs before we were supposed to meet

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If you didn’t message them when were they going to tell you they weren’t feeling well? Can’t stand ppl like this

I think Sarah maybe dodged a bullet. If the date is not calling to tell you plans don’t work with under 2hrs thats not a great sign.

He didn’t cancel, he planned to stand you up

This is turd behavior on their part. You were very generous with your kind response, I would have left on read or blocked

Actually he didn’t cancel—you asked. He probably would have stood you up!

Also annoying that they didn’t suggest an alternative date and time. As the person cancelling, it’s their responsibility to do so.

I find it especially weird that they waited until after you were the one to ask, meaning the probably intended to just stand you up or at the very least continue to freeze you out and ghost you until the last minute?? Really odd behavior either way. Might be worth just asking about. Either there’s a rational explanation or not and if not you can at least be sure that you’re just dealing with a highly immature and toxic person :/

And so impolite about their cancellation, too.

Didn’t have the common courtesy to apologise for cancelling last minute… I would move on

Sarah, do NOT give this guy another chance. You were already way too nice when this was his response.

And you had to reach out to ask before he gave a courtesy call? You did yourself a favor.


You got ready! Go paint the town red!

Screw them! Go grab some beer and make your own fun!

The lack of apology is jarring.

So happy you verified your plans. They were going to ruin your Saturday night.

On a side note, never make first date plans on a weekend. If the date sucks at least your Friday or Saturday isn’t shot

And they didn’t even cancel. YOU had to check in with them first 😒

He was going to stand you up and not bother rescheduling.

Your date didn’t cancel. You found out. This dude is really thoughtless.

They either chickened out or found someone they like better.

This is why I’ve given up 🙃

Never contact that person again. They didn’t even cancel you had to text to get the info. Zero respect for you. Done!

He’s full of shit. If you didn’t reach out, he would have stood you up. Don’t reach out to him again. He didn’t even apologize.

If they’re interested they’d offer a rain check in the same proverbial breath, otherwise it’s a blowoff. Best wishes 👍🏼

Why do you have 30 unread messages

I don’t know if it’s because I’m autistic and don’t get “tones” or whatever, but that seemed like kind of a dickish reply. Anyhoooo, it’s not weird to go to the cinema alone, try riding a llama or ordering takeout and having a bath, the world is your ramen my friend, you just gotta add your own seasoning sometimes 🙂

You just dodged a dump truck full of red flags flying down the road at you. I hope you find a better date.

If I wasn’t feeling well and I was keen on the date, I’d let them know early on in the day that I’m not feeling well and I’ll let them know later that day if I think I can make it or ask that we reschedule.

He’s lying. Stop contact with him.

Sarah what if you wouldn’t have texted? Would you just have been ready and waiting?

Don’t make a date with that person again. Flakes aren’t worth the trouble.

Blessing in disguise. This is not someone you want in your life.

Sarah I may be halfway across the world but I’d definitely let you know if I wasn’t gonna be there


They just saved you a lot of time and effort, if they can’t show up on the first date you don’t want to know what life their living

Definitely not interested. Save yourself the hassle and forget them.

This person is what is known as a “liar”

Explosive diarrhea

Dude was too gutless to even tell you

I don’t like to jump all over people, but man, what a shit move.

That’s a shitty response, never see this person, they are not worth it.

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