My discount store was selling mystery cans for 25 cents.

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What’s in the fucking can OP



Tin can roulette! is it dog food? sliced pineapple? clam chowder? carrots? Open it and find out!

Infuriating post

Ah, the ol’ Reddit safe. Nicely played, OP.

My money’s on plankton



My guess is beans of some sort lol

This post belongs in r/mildlyinfuriating for posting and not revealing the contents


Getting ready, unless…..

Great, but don’t just leave us hanging, what was in it? Personally I’m voting for tomato sauce noodles

lol I was mad that OP didn’t post results because it had a bunch of upvotes then I realized it’s been like 49 minutes and they are literally still shopping.

Kind madam! Come on ffs it’s been 17 minutes!
Are you the kind of person who goes to sleep without reading thr final 30 pages of a suspense novel, just because it’s bed time!??

I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you open the can now that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you and I will open that can forcibly.

A can’s a can but the mystery can could be anything. It could even be a can.

Without an expiration date of some sort, I’m not sure I’d take that deal.

Some mysteries are better than others.

very funny to watch everyone melt down over not knowing immediately 💀

People are more angry at OP than Trump for not posting a result. This is hilarious.

Someone let me know when OP updates what’s in the can, please!

Looks like I’m here too early, but I’m weirdly excited to check back.

That’s a fun way to liven up the end times.

I hope OP replies to every comment with the contents. Would make my day


I hope OP never reveals what’s in that can

OP’s gunna figure out how to Rickroll us.

It’s been 23 minutes. I think it murdered her.


Chunky soup is my guess


and you just don’t tell us what’s in it? whats the point?

Pretty sure John Kricfalusi of Ren and Stimpy fame made an *absolutely terrible* indie animation about this concept.

OP’s edging all of us.



can *

“could be lunch meat, could be peaches.. who knows.”

LPT: If you’re going to post this to reddit, have a picture of it open with the results ready. Don’t be like OP and fucking be driving around giving the worst, most vague updates.

Mystery cans are always fruit cocktail in my experience.


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