My dog pees on this one spot everyday and now the grass looks different

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Rotate your yard 90 degrees every so often to even it out.

That is the exact opposite of every other pee patch I’ve seen. Ever.

r/lawncare in shambles

Behold the power of nitrogen.

Is your dogs name Monsanto?

Hope the dog’s name is Brawndo

Nitrates and Phosphates, I’d assume.

Have you tried mowing it?

ya’ll its just plant Gatorade

Mow it the same youve done the rest of the yard.

Its a different type of grass. The dog piss killed the native stuff and the (non-native) stuff took over where it could. It’s more hardy and doesn’t mind the PH and ammonia.

It looks like your dog actually created grass as opposed to that other weed shit you got going on

What kind of dog do you have? There are a lot of other comments to this point, but repeated canine urination generally leads to grass death. It may be worth getting the dog checked out by the vet to make sure that the urine is okay. Something like diabetes in a dog could lead to excess sugar in its urine which could lead to what you’re seeing.

Glad to know that….

You’d look different if you drank piss everyday, too.


It was never real grass in the first place champ. Them weeds and crab grass

Interesting because my dog always stops to eat that type of long grass… 🤔

Did you adopt your dog in Chernobyl?

We don’t teach horticulture in school and it shows.

Cut your fucking grass!


Dude mow your grass.

That’s grass that has an all you can eat buffet of nitrogen. That’s why it’s a rich green.

Good nitrogen fertilizer


It’s what plants crave

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