My eclairs came out looking a little ✨️suspicious✨️

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Here’s to hoping the dicklairs won’t look so phallic once they’re filled and covered in chocolate… 😂💀


I should call him….

They even have the little vein down the side 🤣🤣🤣💀

Edited for spelling 🤦🏼‍♀️

Well.. at least you have a promising career as a baker for hen nights 😂


Dip the tips

I’ve done that a few times lol. Sometimes, I think they won’t be long enough, so I’ll pipe out a little dollop more and it just makes them look inappropriate.

everything reminds me of him

I’d still put them in my mouth 👄 😭🤣

Should probably see a doctor if those don’t shrink after 4 hours

What are you filling them with then?

They were just excited you made them!

Maybe you are on to something, the baked good of the year, 2025

I bet if one were to poke a small hole in the end, then gently squeezed down firmly on the eclair, then post the resulting picture, I bet it’ll get more upvotes than this one.

I don’t know what it says about me that I think they look delicious…..

Claire will be very pleasured.. uh I mean pleased.. Iean she will think they are delicious.. I mean… Hell, they are going into her mouth anyway… Just say mmmmmm

Cut, uncut, cut, uncut…

Those are girthy choux pipes…

1 and 3 got decent circumcisions, 2’s looks a little botched, and 4 looks uncut

Those are some thick dicklairs



This definitely belongs in r/mildlypenis 😂

Perfect for a bachelorette party!

Hopefully they’re not too hard!

The only dick you can bite off
Something actually worth sucking 💋
[Flavors include chocolate/whipped cream fillings]

That takes “cream filling” to another level lol

Phallic. They came out looking Phallic. 😂


Haha!! Best photo ever!!!

Now you have to eat them from the sides.

What you got on your mind? 🤪

I’ll take the eclair that is second to last. It’s been awhile since I’ve had one.

Well you could be an erotic baker…


Gives new meaning to being called a dickhead.

I’d swallow these just as hungrily 😋

They all look the same when they are in your mouth 🤣

Gonna need two hands


Should’ve used white chocolate filling


Just swallow.. it’s ok


More like D-Clairs…am I right? Am I right? Hello? <tap> <tap> <tap> is this thing on?’


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