My ex gave me caltrops for my birthday

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Are you the guy that had to put up a bunch of rocks to stop his neighbor from driving through their yard instead of going around the block?

I….don’t know if this is thoughtful or a threat…? 😶🤔

Is this like getting a lump of coal for Christmas?

Being gifted something by an ex is mildly interesting in its own right.

That’s an angry looking box

Shipped in the box or did they dump them out in the driveway and you scooped them up? One is very thoughtful the other is not so much

Now all you need is a car that can leave an oil slick behind it as you drive

Did she get from


What are these for

“Yeah, caltrops. Try, maybe,”

Oooo my toddler would love to play with those.

This is a tip to stop leaving your D4s out

There is a non-zero chance that one day you’re going to need those and be forever grateful your ex was so thoughtful

You never know, they might come in handy in today’s world.

Was it after or before becoming an ex?

Tbh if my wife got me caltrops I’d be fuckin PUMPED

It begs the question. Why?

Are you a ninja-monkey by chance?

Can I upvote this or will I be banned from Reddit?

Should I love or hate this for you?

Is your ex a Ninja Monkey?

They are probably be best painted with the super dark black paint that absorbs 99.9% of light, that would look so cool!!!

I want caltrops 😔

At least they boxed them instead of strategically placing them around your house, car, bed, kitchen, work, etc

You know what? In these uncertain times, might not be a bad thing to have laying around

And they weren’t a keeper? I would be stoked.


This guy may want to buy them off you.

The one true way to show ones love… caltrops!

Damn, those look legit. Great gift

Is your ex a X-X-2 Ninja monkey, and are you a balloon?

Caltrops, take me away

im also obsessed with caltrops now

I was gonna say he or she is definitely a keeper but…

Now you just need a button in your car to drop them over the road in case Maxwell Smart is chasing you 😉

What do you get for the ninja in your life that already has everything?

Man, that’s freaking awesome, lol!

TIL : Caltrops.

This is hands down my favorite thread of the day.

Now i must get back to thinking about the Roman Empire.

Did your ex give you caltrops before or after the breakup? Did the caltrops *cause* the breakup?

Now you have to make some sort of device under your rear bumper that can hold them but at the push of a button opens up to deploy them behind your car… Like James Bond.

Now your car is chase proof

Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it….


In a police chase I would throw these out the window in the most cartoonist way possible

“Bumper hatch vibes intensify”

How thoughtful! Is she a horse girl? Maybe she is saying you should stay away?

She also threw some in front of the police station and left an anonymous tip that she remembers you have some

Given where the world is going, this might turn out to be useful. Can I have your ex’s contact info and does he take orders?

Haven’t seen anyone mention it yet but these are illegal. If you get pulled over and a cop finds this box, you’re going to jail.

Can you ask her where she got it?

It’s for me, I’m the one asking.

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