My ex girlfriend reposted this. She cheated on me multiple times over our 3 year relationship lol

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What in the fucking run-on sentence

When a woman posts shit like this, just know that she ain’t happier alone – she’s crying on the floor, with her face in a bowl of rice budding trying to convince herself that she’s a strong independent single lady that does not miss her ex 😂

Be happy you got away hun’

Also, “loyal”.


Edit: In 10 hours this became the single most upvoted comment I’ve made

I don’t mean this to sound misogynistic, because a lot of men have stupid things about themselves too, but there are a certain group of women specifically who just love to hype themselves up and make themselves the heroes in their life stories. Like they’ve always been victims and never been the bad guy.

Guys I’m getting over it can’t you see??? LOOK IM GETTING OVER IT PAY ATTENTION TO ME.

Fucking parasites these people 😂

Well she’s illiterate, and I guarantee you she’ll be one of those old hags that’ll start posting questions on “why a man doesn’t want a career oriented strong independent woman”

I don’t really understand this “fumbled me” thing some girls say. Relationships take two people lol

That took some serious brain power to read. But I guess “alone” is the key word we’re taking away from this…. whatever this is.

She’s never gonna stop romanticizing men until she stops romanticizing her own mistakes.

Using white text with so much white in the picture 🤦‍♂️

Your girl cheated 3 times and you kept her?

Why do you still follow your ex who cheated on you multiple times? Move on.

I’m just saying that’s a toxic woman, and you should not be following her. If you feel any emotion over seeing this (irony even) and continue to allow her presence, it is a shadow on your soul. She never valued you and used you as a placeholder while she looked for a man she felt she deserved. Meanwhile, those same men she feels she deserves do not appreciate her. It is her karma that what she wants she can not have. Eventually, she may learn that what she did was cruel and that to heal and be worthy of loyalty, she needs to feel sorrowful for what she did. Leave her and this memory behind. Eventually, a good woman will come around.

Some people just can’t take responsibility for their actions. Everything is always someone elses fault. When I broke up with my ex she ranted on FB about how brave women are for escaping toxic and abusive relationships. I never abused her at all and she had freedom, she went out partying and did E a bunch and cheated on me, and a friend found her dating profile online while she was still living in my house and we were together.

I broke up with her for cheating, even on the way out she said it wasn’t fair for me to break it off with her because it was my fault apparently for dismantling the relationship though she couldn’t give me an example of how I’d done that when I asked specifically how id done so. I was even supporting her while she went to college.

Some people are just shitty.

Why are all the serial cheaters I know the only ones who post word-vomit memes about loyalty and/or how much they have to offer? The level of delusion is nuts.

I’m in genuine tears over the search term just being “woman”.

Communication is the key no matter how awkward

This gives the vibes my ex gave off when he put “I’m loyal and hardworking” on his tinder profile. Meanwhile he was cheating (obv) and had been fired from work because he was late every morning since he played video games all night and had a hard time waking early ….so then he started playing video games all day because he didn’t have to go to work. 😂 Cheated because he had “free time” since I was working 3 jobs 💀

Make sure you comment that on the post 

We are living in very interesting times lol

Multiple times. Oh man.

Well she hasn’t figured out that white text w black outline is readable w any background so i wouldn’t put much thought into what she posted

So she can die alone then

I was confused after “she realizes”

Comment on it “…and some women cheat.”

Super cool niche loyal old soul woman… Wtf

Definitely low IQ behavior.

People who post BS like this are usually full of it. I know tons of stories like yours. Thanks for sharing i needed the laugh!

“reciprocate what she has to offer” did she want you to cheat on her too…?

She had “niche loyalty”. How do you not get that?

The lack of punctuation forced me to read this in one breath and I almost died.

Everyone who is a self proclaimed “old soul” is the absolute opposite

She’s just complex.

I’m no psychologist but this smells like a lil BPD/ attachment issues

Super cool niche old soul woman 👀 🤦‍♂️

Bro, she’s a old soul. She’s this far in and still cheating on her boyfriend 3 times. Can you imagine the overall body count?



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