My family and I have tried to name all 50 US states. We got 48 and hit a wall. Not a bad effort!

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I like how you got West Virginia 16th and forgot Virginia until last.


I don’t know why but the fact you collectively got Hawaii as #1 presumably before thinking of any other has tickled me

I did this once but then I got tired of it. So I started naming different types of celery. I only got one – regular celery.

My 80 year old dad’s party trick is to name every state and every state capital. It’s still pretty impressive but he’s been dining out on it for 50 years.

Oklahoma and Kentucky?

Utah? You can’t go making stuff up


I’ll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognise Missouri.

Now try and place them on a blank map. 

Oklahoma and Kentucky

You’re missing East and West Dakota.

I’ve seen this game played before. I think you’ll find there are 56 states though!

I’ve never understood how you can pronounce Kansas as it sounds but Arkansas is Ar-kan-saw?!?

When I was about 14 I taught myself to name all 50 states in alphabetical order. It’s been insanely useful for quizzes and general trivia.

[This song]( is how we learned it in school. Skip to 0:45 for the actual state names.

Could this BE anymore of a Friends parallel? 

Actually had to really think about this. You forgot Kentucky and Oklahoma, but then so does most of America.

How about naming the counties of England?

Oops. Trick question. They keep changing them. And are you talking about *historic* counties, *ceremonial* counties, and *metropolitan* and *non-metropolitan* counties?

I’m not actually totally sure which county I live in. On the map, it’s Somerset. But the postcode is Dorset. There sure as heck isn’t a sign by the road letting you know which one you just drove into. Which is just as well, because it changes four times in the space of ten miles.

I’m sure Jay Foreman did a thing about this. US states are a piece of cake. Departments of France are at least consistent. But the counties of the UK are a total mess. Thanks a lot, Yorkshire. Which is now four different bits. Try naming the biggest town in each of them.

So I just became a US citizen a few weeks ago and when I sat down for my ‘test’ the lady goes “OK question one: name all 50 states.” And it was at that moment I realised some Americans actually have a sense of humour too and I’d probably fit in ok here.

Is Floncla near Florida at all?

As a Brit now living in Oklahoma I’m offended by this post.

Okay, I’m American. How many counties are in England? I will legitimately give it a go without looking anything up. I don’t even want to go to the webpage because it might give me a hint.

Now do all the counties

Shamefully I reckon I’d get a higher percentage of states than counties

I would do the same with EU countries, and somehow add Norway, and the UK … then I pause a minute in silence. 😥

Hard mode: more than three Canadian provinces

You should post this to: r/msaeachubaets

For real though, you all did a pretty good job especially if you did this over beers.

NeRvada 😂

You did better than most Americans could. Good on you.

Did you get Maryland? My home state is one of the most commonly forgotten. Which is stupid, because we have [the objectively best state flag](, [one of the silliest accents](, and we surround the nation’s capital on 2.7 out of four sides.

I used to this very exercise to get my mind going for studying as a student. I’d consistently get all 50 back then. Tried it recently and got only 43.

Pete Chicago

Interesting because as I’m reading I’m thinking yeah I’ve heard of almost all of these but then I still don’t know which 2 are missing, and I bet I’ve heard of those too

Excellent for the UK!!!

Tennessee? Is that a state?

Indiana and Kentucky?

My Dad memorised the amount of states per letter then goes through alphabetically. It’s a pretty good way of doing it.

As an American, that was a fun mental exercise trying to get the ones you didn’t lol.

I could do most of your duchies but it would only be correct for the time frame of the Crusader Kings games lol.

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