My father found out I was planning to build a PC and got me this. Thanks dad.

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Love that graphics on gpu boxes are still as dumb looking as they were when I was a kid.

Father’s day is in three months. You know what to do.

Is he adopting ?

Lmao, when my dad found out I wanted to build a PC, he told me it was a waste of money cause Iโ€™d fuck it up

I’d trade that GPU for my dad in a heart beat. I miss you dad.

I wish i had a dad.

Best Dad ๐Ÿ™‚

My dad would search every used bin and goodwill until he found like a 5090xtx and then proceed to present it in a Total cereal box.

Your dad is the goat for this. I just got this card my secondary pc, it’s great.

Wanna trade?


Yo I have some skills related to engineering, music and yardwork. Can you tell your father that I’m applying for adoption?

That’s an epic Dad move. And Sapphire to boot. I built a PC with my 12 year old for Christmas to replace my(his) failing PS4. Surprised him with a steel legend b580. Regardless of everyone’s mixed feelings towards Intel, he’s absolutely enamored with that card. Make sure that man knows how much you appreciate the thought, cuz let me tell ya, it ain’t always easy out there for a dad


Your father doesn’t miss a son by any chance ? ๐Ÿ˜€

Your dad is the GOAT for picking the most sensible GPU to buy in 2025

Awesome! My dad would have gotten me a shovel. “You need to learn to work in the sun.”

Im kidnapping yo dad


Hes saying dont fuck it up

Oh nice card. Funny enough I just saw an article about these sapphire 9070s getting packing material stuffed in the fans sometimes so make sure to check that out

I wish my dad bought me a gpu instead of stealing my motherboard

I’ll send my adoption details over immediately.

Huge dad W

And it’s a Sapphire too, your dad is in the know. They make fantastic cards.

I am happy for you.๐Ÿ˜Š

Congrats man . You have an amazing father.

Incredibly based and goated dad.

GOATed dad

Lit, enjoy it


There was reports of sapphires having some hard to reach foam in there that caused issues. May want to check on that before installing

Can I borrow your dad, my left before I was born and hasn’t really done much for me, only his other kids in the states.

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