My fiancé asked for lemon bundt cake on his birthday and I had to deliver for the sweetest guy in the world.

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Absolutely beautiful

I love the little controllers!! How did you do them? 🤩🤩

You did me proud and I’m not even your fiancé! Great job, OP!

I am also sweet. Would love to be your friend because this cake is outstanding!

Amazing. I recently had a lemon bundt cake fail but it was still good. Not as pretty as yours but my work peeps didn’t complain 😂 I would like to ask though please, how you get your glaze icing to be so…visible? Mine is so runny and it disappears into the cake. That part isn’t bad but I would love a pretty cake like this!!!!


Those are strawberries

Edit: it is beautiful!

The tiny controllers!! 😊

What a gorgeous cake! I feel like anyone would be thrilled to see this cake. Bet it tastes like a dream too, lemon bundts are freaking delicious.

Beautiful, and I’ll bet it’s yummy! I love lemon cake of any kind. 💛💛💛

that is soooo gorgeous omg

Wow. Next level gorgeous!

It’s gorgeous & the little game controllers are too damn cute 💕

That’s easily the most amazing Bundt cake I’ve ever seen.

Your boyfriend is one lucky sob, excuse my French.

STAHP the mini controllers are ADORABLE 😍

wow this is so gorgeous!!

Oh, come on now. That is just lovely. Happy birthday to your guy.

Omg it’s sooo gorgeous and funny 😆 💕

*stares intensely with jealousy*

Wowza OP🤩 This is sucha Beautiful Cake 🎂

Amazing! 😻




You did an amazing job, and I hope your fiance loved it!


WooooooooooooW!! Looks too pretty to cut in to.

So beautiful and stunning.


This just hits on so many levels 🤩


Prettiest thing I’ve seen since the new year

You didn’t only deliver you execute the assignment 👏👏👏👏

That looks like heaven! 

Omg! So beautiful and unique.

If I got this for my birthday I’d probably cry.

I put it to you that you’re the best fiancé in the world instead.

🍻 👏

Adorable!! Is he going to be 5? 6? 🤣

The skeet drippings are a nice touch

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