My fridge makes me so happy but my bf said it looked depressing

By zenzi27
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What exactly do you eat?

Since randomly seeing these posts recently, I have felt nothing but complete shock at the amount of soda and energy drinks people consume.

And I’m an American ..

I agree with your boyfriend.

as a person that never drinks soda, i must agree, this looks like an addiction

This is depressing. It’s all soda, no food. It feels just unhealthy, unenergetic, and a little neurotic with the organization. I mean, I like things organized, but this is next level perfectionism.

There is no way you do one soda a day. There are like 70 cans and 6 liters in there.

You spend way too much on soda – na I can’t imagine what your actual diet is

If this is mostly just a drink fridge then it’s not depressing at all, it’s organized and clean. Depressing would be if you had bunch of unorganized and old food everywhere

I’m guessing you work in a restaurant. And where’s your milk?

I’m with ur man on this one. Like where is the food?! 😭

You urinate frequently and it ain’t clear

This looks like a work fridge, or a downstairs game room drink and frozen pizza fridge.

Looks like a good party fridge if your having a little hang out or movie night with friends. Where’s the food though? You cant live on soda and pickles lol

I have a hard time imagining you actually only drink one soda every other day if you stock up on so many 12 packs of different flavors and your entire fridge is dedicated lmao

If this was a party fridge I’d say hell yeah
As it is I assume you piss syrup

Do you ever… *eat*?

Nice and clean and organized!! Do you only eat uber eats though?

Say your from San Diego without saying you’re from San Diego

Holy diabetes 

You’ve got a problem. You have roughly 8 dozen cans of soda in your fridge. This will take you roughly 6 months to drink. So why for the love of god is it all in your fridge? You don’t even have a bag of carrots. SMH.

All I can gather is you have a small or mini/toy breed dog, and you love sugar-free/diet soda, and sometimes hydrate with some water aside from the occasional orange or clementine I’m assuming you have a second fridge

Ok… let’s see the liquor cabinet for those mixers

you have eating issues with all that zero sugar. not a single calorie in this fridge

I see dialysis in ur future

Looks like the fridge at an Elon Musk fueled startup

Humans…must consume food

Do you eat or just waste your money on overpriced water products.

This is a vending machine

You’re supposed to post a picture of your fridge, not of the soda aisle at the supermarket. Mods!! 📢

Soooooo all you eat is pickles?

Bruh, ever heard of food? Its not bad

Fuck water

You’re kidneys are probably more stoned than an an art major at bonaroo

We should post fridge pictures and then the person who owns the fridge too . I’m curious to see how people look.

This is dangerously unhealthy if this is *not* the drink fridge and even then I would feel this is incredibly unhealthy.

How to say you’re in horrible health without saying you’re in horrible health.

How you say you don’t know how to cook without saying you don’t know how to cook

Honestly if we had space for two fridges, one of them would look exactly like this. I dig it

You guys aren’t very good detectives if you missed that OP bought a bunch of 12 packs that he hasn’t even touched.

While I realize these are all “zero sugar” please be aware that much fake sugar is wreaking havoc on your body…cut the habit.


I mean, that’s fine as long as you have the main fridge with all the food

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