My friend refused to accept a $5000 raise because he thought he would earn less overall after tax

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‘You are dumber than rocks bro’

lol what?! I love it when dumb people display their ignorance with confidence

tell your friend nathan he should watch youtube on how tax bracket works, because what.

I’m shocked that so many people think that way. Maybe the pay raise isn’t justified if the worker is dumb as rocks

Your friend seriously lost out on this one. Whoever he works for just saved a lot of money on his ignorance. That, or someone smarter than him got the offer. 😂

What a moron! He can’t do basic math.

I wonder what he will say when he relizes how dumb he was 😀

We call that the stupid tax.

His boss is probably thinking about firing him because he’s so stupid.

Easiest way is to let him use a Tax calculator for your country and input current salary and salary after raise and see how much his net will be.

But if he is that dumb, then he probably doesn’t deserve the raise anyway.

I’m curious in what professions do people who think like this perform in a way that gets them a raise like that?

Having someone call you dumb while being objectively right is the most infuriating thing in the world I think.

unpopular opinion: if he is not smart enough to know how a tax bracket works with all the information available to him, he may not be good enough for promotion in the first place. or he is bullshiting you for some reason.

If he’s that stupid he doesn’t deserve a raise anyways

Your friend is an idiot. Something tells me this guy has *strong* political opinions.

yes, ONLY the amount over the threshold is taxed at 37, meaning the amount I earn that is more than I do rn will be taxed. Hm… I wonder if I can decipher this… The amount I earn on top of what I usually do.. Hm…. I’lL EarN LeSs NExT IncOmE!! 🤡

Either be arrogant and make sure youre right or dont do the due dilligence but at least be receptive to find out you’re wrong can’t have it both ways

Model employee for a corporate job actually

These people vote

“But your net income isn’t being taxed at 37%, go read about tax brackets, and prepare to feel like a dipshit for clowning on me for trying to point this out.”

Remember high school and people saying they’d never use algebra in real life? They could use some algebra now.

At this point just let the natural selection of jobs world do their work

Just send your idiot friend this link and tell him to read the paragraph about marginal text brackets.

It spells it out as plainly as impossibly can:

I know someone who did this years ago. He also explained it like I was some sort of moron until he eventually worked it out with some help and was well pissed off at himself. Job went to someone else.

Send him a diagram with some maths. 

Why do we have Trump? This.

Just explain to it to him supper plain: “You’ll be paying 30% on X, and 37% on Y”, where X is the first bracket limit and Y is everything else. He’ll realize how dumb he is

That’s not a friend. Whys he insulting you.

Dude has to be tripping, right?

Just let him wallow in his own stupid. He probably enjoys it.

Get better quality friends.

How did he even get earmarked for a raise. 

I doubt it is the case for your friend, his argument is insane, but this can oddly happen with extra levies and taxes. I got a pay raise a year or 2 after university that reduced my take home pay because I only edged over the bracket, but then had to pay HECS and medicare levies I wasn’t required to pay previously. It was like $20/fortnight less for a 2% raise

You would be surprised how many people think this is how it works

why are the dumbest people also the most confident in beeing smart?

Your friend is dumb and doesn’t deserve any extra money

When you read that it makes sense what is happening in the USA at the moment.

We should make countries not by place of birth but IQ, everyone would be so much more happy.

All the racist and idiots together playing with their poop.

The slave mind.

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