My gas better be $2.00 by February or else…

By Naven71
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You could put that on any product once the tariffs start

Actually I’d like one that says you maga idiots did that

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This one on Etsy is pretty cool too
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You’re cute thinking Trumpets take responsibility. Everything will still be Obama’s fault. Or Biden’s. Or Clinton’s. Bill that is.

Trump’s the definition of insanity. He promises the same thing over and over again and his sheep expect it to come to fruition. Remember: Mexico was paying for the wall? Remember him coming up with an alternative to Obama Care? Remember him coming up with and Infrastructure Bill (that he couldn’t do in 4 years and Biden did it in 10 months)? Same old bullshit and no results. You’re going to get what you voted for. The shepherd leading the sheep to slaughter!!!!

Gas prices are already crawling up. I think businesses will slowly increase prices in anticipation of the tariff.

Eggs/milk/cheese/bread all need to be less than .50 or we Jan 6th his ass.

Hey, share the link to purchase these

Do it in February. Fuck their benefit of the doubt.

all I ask is not to put them somewhere permanent that a retail worker will have to scrape them off. I cleaned the Biden one off several bathroom mirrors

I work at a mill in a rural area and we can’t even fully staff the place for 2 shifts. And there are a good amount of immigrants working the shitty jobs nobody likes on 2nd shift. And if they get deported we’re fucked. Even if they don’t, we’re probably going to see significant drop in demand for our products because of the tariffs and economy so we’re probably going to get laid off anyway. I’ve been playing Fallout 4 and rewatching The Walking Dead to mentally prepare for what I might have to do to survive.

It’s funny since the right had “I did that” for Biden even though it was Trump that caused the global inflation because of his [Art of the Deal]( by convincing OPEC and Russia to cut oil production by 10%… if you follow when inflation started and ended it coincides real nice to when this deal started and ended.

After seeing all of the Biden ones, I definitely need to get my hands on some of these.

It’ll be 2 rubles probably. What an orange dickhead that guy.

I took a couple photos of grocery receipts…that better be cut down too lol

Fuck….two dollars more. All that will happen is he’ll get in there and for the next four years, will blame “them” that “it’s the yugest” mess ever and he’s working on it while golfing at Mar a lago…convince people he can do it. Just needs another four years.

Trump voters have NO IDEA how bad they screwed up!!!

Did it go down to $2.00 in Feb 2017?

The definition of insanity is doing something repeatedly and expecting a different result. Electing an insane person twice and expecting a different result is doubly insane

Me putting those on $2/lb bananas in February

Who wants to take bets that as soon as they start popping up the MAGA crowd will get mad and call it immature, while forgetting about their stickers?

Tired of the dems playing nice.

Go for it bro.

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This is my favorite

Id rather let everything be made overseas

I need to get me some of these.

tHE pRisDeNt dOeS noT cOnTrOl pRiCes!!!

Y’all do as you please. I’m not going to engage in this same jackassery they did.

I wouldnt get my hopes up. 😔😔😔

Please don’t. A am maintenence for a travel center. I have to police my pumps for graffiti almost daily. When the biden ones went around, it was a pain. Standing out in a blizzard scraping stickers off the pumps is not enjoyable. I don’t care about politics either way, but myself and undoubtedly, other station attendants would appreciate not having to deal with the nonsense.

I need some of those

He will try to move mountains to keep gas cheap.

Btw when people were complaining Biden made gas expensive the common rebuttal was that the president doesn’t have much pull on gas prices. So I don’t know what if anything will happen to gas. Or what these gotcha stickers actually accomplish. They were dumb when maga used em so they’re still dumb

Where do I get these?!

God please do that. That’ll be so funny. I would love to do this to my local gas stations that riddled their pumps with Biden stickers even though it was during the height of the summer when gas is generally more expensive.

I want to see this, I’ll be on the lookout lol

I WANT ! where do you get them

His cult members will just lie and make excuses and project like always. These people are evil. They aren’t brainwashed. They were already like this and tRUMP made them feel brave enough to be public with their bigotry.

Everyone who supports Trump is evil.

Imagine doing something as gay as the people who put the Biden stickers on things.

Genius, whatever happens, these will sell to either side.

You bought these stickers?

Where do we get these stickers?

You better lower the price of eggs too haha

Where can you get those at

Please do.

I need those. Lots of those

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