My girlfriend tears away her egg carton to save space

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You can also save them and use them as seed starters

So cute….one little eggy

Yeah, I’m down with this one.

I leave the carton as is. It reserves the space in the fridge.

This is prob “how the fuck have I not thought of that before” ideas. Me included. Thanks for sharing! 

she’s a keeper

I buy 24 at a time so have an 18, 12, and 6 holder carton that I keep on top of the fridge and swap out as needed.

Why do you guys have separate egg cartons, and why is yours plastic so she can’t tear them away

I do the same thing. I also cut down chip bags as they get lower

I’d be too afraid of accidentally knocking the egg out of it

Wife and I do the same lol! It works out well, also when the new stack of eggs come in the old ones go on top!

Smart idea!

Marry her now. I guess it depends on your personality and how you work together but I’d be ring shopping.

Looks like a counter depth fridge….wife wanted one originally but seeing it in person made her second guess it

It’s weird… but I get it.

Fucking lunatic.

That’s rather brilliant! Your GF is a genius.


Nothing wrong with that, if she adds it to a compost pile extra hippie high five. Wouldn’t be surprised if you have a banging kombucha recipe.

I can’t argue, but a lot of fridges have egg holders no?

I am EU so many of us don’t refrigerate eggs, although oddly my wonderful EU fridge has egg holders…I will guess it was not made here – what is!

Edit: I will say I am an Englishman who lives in Ireland. There are many things made in the EU outside of these two countries. (Just to be fair for a moment)

Your gf has strong hands and wrists. that is a great idea.

I do that!!

She destroyed their family, destoryed their home, leaving one left. lol

Why keep your eggs in the fridge?

So are the eggs in the back yours?

They’re a keeper

Ive always used a bread knife

I fuck with it

I always roll the dice and find a spot for it. Usually breaks and makes a mess. Now I leave no eggs.

I do this too !!!!

This one is the best I’ve seen in a while

Living in 3025

A loner in the company of eggs and berries

I do this too!

Seeing the lone egg there in its lone seat made me laugh

Divorce or marriage upto you

I take a bit more effort to cut the carton with scissors


i do this too lol it just makes sense.


Has she always been a genius?

Man, isn’t it wild how egg cartons are like little puzzles for tiny spaces? Makes you wonder what else we’re missing in life.

I do this! Hate when they only offer plastic packaging lol

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