My girlfriend’s grandpa who recently passed away, what can you tell me about him?

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He was the “find out” part when people fucked around.

he thought you were a pussy

Is that 12 PH? I see two silver and a bronze oak leafs. Holy shit. Man shoulda learned to duck while he was in the service but absolute legend. Anyways you can get a shot of the ribbons that partially obscured by the lapel? Curious as to what the top one is.

He had at least 20 years in the service. He was the highest or close to the highest of non-commissioned officers. Sergeant Major.

He was deployed a lot, and he was successful in surviving. Very brave.

Dude Fucked for sure. SF.

They base movie characters off of him

His ribbons are not in the right order. His Vietnamese gallantry medals should be before his Vietnam Camaign Medal. His beret badge is 10th Special Forces and so is his Airborne oval. Have you checked to see if he is Ranger-qualified? No tab, but someone with that record would likely have passed Ranger-school.

Complete badass.

CSM and a green beret , master jump wings , green beret – SF , bronze stars , Purple Hearts .. yea this dude thought you were a huge pussy and not good enough for his granddaughter for sure ..

Break up with your girlfriend. You do NOT want this dudes ghost haunting you for plowing his granddaughter.

Dude saw some real, real shit

He’s the kind of guy you want to ask about his stories of badassery, but you don’t because it’s evil to make him relive it.

May he rest in peace. 🫡

That guy did two things: Fucked and killed commies for mommies


A REAL American Hero… nothing more to say. De Oppresso Liber

Probably one of the the original GB old school type, I learned a lot from them.

Have you seen Grand Torino?

Looks like a Special Forces Green Beret guy who had the rank of command sergeant major of the army and was a combat veteran during the Vietnam War. This guy was a hero, stuff of legend, and yes he probably thought you were a p*ssy, lol 😆 🤣 😂 This was GI fucking Joe.

I do see Bronze Star and ARCOM with V Device!! That’s impressive but kinda curious of what medal is after the Bronze Medal. He did 3 campaigna in Vietnam

He knew how to kill you faster than you can blink. lol

Certified war machine. Likely took many stories to the grave that would all make phenomenal, award-winning action movies.

I can guarantee he received a warrior’s welcome in Valhalla.

Friggin ninja, like snake eating kill you from the shadows kind of ninja. That man ended qa lot of communists in viertnam.

Grandpa smoked a lot of VC and or NVA 🤌🏻

The green flash on the beret is 10th Special Forces Group. Green felt under the shoulder epaulettes indicate a leadership role. Rank of Command Sergeant Major, combined with the green felt on the epaulettes indicates he was one of the four highest ranking enlisted men in the group at the time. One for each of three battalions, plus one for the whole group.

I’m guessing he retired before ’84 when the army authorized the Special Forced Tab, which would be above the airborne tab on the left shoulder. Right shoulder is the unit he was in combat with, which (no surprise) was Special Forces. Given the Vietnam related decorations, it would be a safe bet he was in the 5th Group at the time.

The quantity of BSM’s and PH’s raise a lot of questions. This guy would have buildings named after him.

This dude never paid for his own beer.

the color on the oak leaves is a little hard to tell apart, in that TWELVE purple hearts?

Nobody walked on his grass.

That dude is a legend!

That man’s shits were tougher than most of us!!!

Command Sergeant Major of the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne). The topmost ribbon hiding behind the collar flap is the Distinguished Service Cross. That is the second highest decoration our Nation can bestow on someone for valor in combat. The only decoration higher is the Medal of Honor. I’d really like to find out who this is so I can read the citation for his DSC. Your girlfriend’s Grandfather was 100% a Hero.

Stacked bodies for a living!! That’s all you need to know.

You would’ve had to answer to him if you broke her heart.

I can’t comment on his assignments and medals, but he was a Command Master Sergeant, the highest ranking non-commissioned officer at the battalion unit level (or higher). There is only one rank higher, the singular Sergeant Major of the Army. As Command Master Sergeant he was the senior enlisted advisor to the overall commander of that unit. A very prestigious rank and position.

He could most definitely both take names and kick ass!

He hung out with Billy Waugh

He could beat you down even now. Maggot.

What does 3 up and 3 down mean soldier?

The end of an inning.

Good Morning Vietnam

He was one bad ass MF

He stacked bodies in Nam….

He was a CSM (command sergeant major) damn near an officer, he must of led a lot of men into battle. Hats off to grandpa.

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