My grandfather being thanked by General Eisenhower in the 1940s after defeating the Nazis.

By Frunkss
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Thanks, son, for everything you did to end the war.

Uh, you too general?

comment image?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce3951584471c54a4342da68f0120831e4f674de

What a great photo

Excellent Photo! You should be proud!

That’s a great picture to have! What was his role in the war?

My father after fighting in the Battle of the Bulge in Europe in the USA Army 84th brigade “ The Railsplitters” that fought and freed 2 concentration camps! This is my father’s service picture! Much respect to those who fought against NAZI german troops!!! 🇺🇸
comment image?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b82cb50888532dd0b2ce9273b55a9baecaa4f4ed

I Like Ike. One of the most underrated and beloved presidents.

eisenhower has a surprisingly nice butt. new historical knowledge unlocked


He has 4 service stripes so 12 years of service when that photo was taken. Did he start off as enlisted?

I would imagine the idea of nazis in America in 2025 would be a sore issue these guys

“job’s not finished”

Man this got me a little emotional

Oh my god what a treasure! Wow

Is gramps still around? Seems we have a new infestation.

That’s awesome!

Stunning photo!

As the saying goes “the only good Nazi’s a dead Nazi”

They are back.

Can someone edit a sad crying Nazi Elon in the background of this pic?

Thank you for your grandfather shooting at my great-grandfather. Also for missing.

“Thank you Captain Spears for everything you’ve done, and don’t worry we’ve took that one incident off your record ;)”

Then they hired a bunch of nazis with operation paperclip. Fucking clown world 🤡 🌎 

Supreme Allied Commander 🫡

Your grandfather looks like Desmond Doss.

Well done, Cap

Wow! That picture is a deffent keeper.

Is he free this weekend?

Oh! So your grandpa was a Soviet Soldier? Wonderful, because last time I checked, it’s them who reached Berlin, not the Allies.

Very cool

It will be after eating the turnip

I can’t believe you just outed your grandfather as being infected by woke

In Sepia! Very old-timey!

Daaaaaamn. They never taught us about Ike’s hourglass figure in school 🥵

Both sides were cool

Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 1 time.

First Seen [Here]( on 2025-01-22 100.0% match.

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Where was this kind of support for fighting nazis when jews were being beaten on college campuses?

He must have been pissed when he found out they took a bunch of them in to cook up weapons and other sick-ass secret shit..

The Russians defeated the Nazis. They took Berlin

remember when killing nazis was paid for by the government? good times.

now they run the government lol.

Your grandfather, and Ike, would be so ashamed of our country today.

Leftwing violent Communism is the biggest threat to America today.

Your grandfather related to Vince McMahon?

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