My grandfather in Paris after winning the war to stomp down Nazis. (1944)

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Mine too

My Grandad was in the war too, He was British living in Chicago before the war, came back and fought with the Expeditionary Force and the 8th Army when it was formed. Very proud Grandson

My great uncle died at Anzio Beach Head in 1944. He was only 19

I am disgusted by people bandying about fascist symbols like it’s all some joke, families were scarred by the losses incurred fighting this shit. My grandfather carried that loss his whole life.

I love the fact that he was smoking in this photo, in more ways than one! 

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My grandfather, Norman H. Long. He turned 16 the day Pearl Harbor was attacked and enlisted as soon as he graduated high school. A brave man and the best grandpa I could have asked for. I’m glad he isn’t here to see what’s happening in the country he fought for.

True American hero

I would like to think our own military doesn’t want to mirror the Nazis.

I still have the french resistance membership card of my grandma

How much do you know about his role in the war? Pilots in the 9th Air Force provided air support for the Normandy invasions, among other really meaningful activities in 1944.

Don’t suppose he’s available for a repeat performance?

My US Army Dad is still alive at age 100. He can no longer speak or function. I am so sad thinking of what he went through, all to be for nothing.

My grandfather served as a medic aboard a US Liberty ship. He was stationed in France and was 21 when the war ended. As a kid, I would listen to stories of his time in service. He wouldn’t go into great detail, but I could tell he was proud of his service and that he was proud to be an American. He flew an American flag in his front yard until the day that he died.

I remember back in 2008 him willing himself to go to the voting booth to cast his vote. At that point, he was in failing health. He had suffered a stroke a few years before, and he was attached to oxygen tanks. I remember sitting with him on election night and watching tears stream down his face as a young black senator from the state of Illinois was elected the next president of the United States. Even as an 11 year old, I knew we did something big. I could see the pride that my grandfather had for his country.

My grandfather was a registered Republican, but at his core, he was an American first. My grandfather would’ve been appalled by the current state of his country. When Trump was inaugurated yesterday, I thought of my grandfather and all the service men and women who served and sacrificed their lives for this country. I wonder how they would feel about a president willingly ripping up the constitution. 80 years ago, we sought to destroy fascism. We have become the very thing we sought to destroy.

I’d love it if we had nothing but WWII heroes posted here for the next four years.

This is him after winning the war in ‘44? Did his war end or was that a typo?

Spinning in his grave right now…

Very cool.

I know you’re proud and you should be. Back from a time when we used to kill Nazis, not put them in the White House.

These gentlemen would be extremely saddened and disgusted after witnessing Elon’s actions during the inauguration yesterday.

Post it to r/photoshop they do an amazing job restoring photos in there.

If this was taken during 1944 it would have been during the war to stomp down the Nazis…

Fuck Nazis.

Fuck Nazi scum. German or American.

And seems like we are going back to fascism (Musk and Nazi Salute)

Any chance grandpa is still available? Turns out, we need him again.

We need to resurrect your grandpa to help us one last time!

I hope he taught you a few things. You’re gonna need ’em.

I’m glad older Americans stood against it. I’m sure your grandfather is turning in his grave after our last election cycle.

I hope we all follow in their footsteps when the time comes.

Watching the news yesterday it seems the Nazis won after all.

And with the resurgence of open Nazism he would be rolling in his grave.

That is soooo cool! Respect to your grandfather!
My great grandfather was in the Korean War & Vietnam. We have ammo cans full of pictures of his time in each war. I always remember a picture of a skeleton burnt to hell, extra crispy. I seen it when I was a kid on accident and still to this day over 20 years later I can still see that guy all burnt to hell. We can only imagine what these old timers went thru, I would wish that on nobody. War is hell on earth. Sorry for the story I’ve never told anyone about this. Thanks for sharing, your grandfather must’ve been a legendary man it seems!

Hey we’re going to need him to suit back up and help with that again please. This time he won’t have to travel overseas

Good timing for this photo

Fuck nazis!

My father fought the Nazis in France. There were a lot of good, respectable, patriotic people in that generation who either can’t or won’t see Trump as the American Hitler his Vice President warned us he would be.

80 years later and we have put them back in power. All those sacrifices and here we are.

Is the photo printed on special material? Seems to have crumpled at one point.

“Old School Badass” is more like it. “Old School Cool as F” works too.

Nobody show people on this post what research found when questioning US soldiers about civil issues…

Little did they know their own children would bring them back.

My Dad bought some perfume in Paris to bring back to my Mom. They had sent letters back and forth during his time in the Bulge and the drive across Germany with Patton’s 3rd army. (I think he bought more than one bottle for more than one young lady, at least that’s the story.) She was still only 17 or 18, and they married a few years later after Dad used the GI Bill to get his college finished.

Fuck Republicans, they’re the new Nazis… Elmo said so.

Hate to be that guy(no I don’t) but the war ended in 1945 not 1944 so either you got the year wrong or the war hadn’t been won yet


81 years later, let’s bring back n*zi stomping

And now they are back. Time to break out my nazi brain bashing bat. Where the hell is Eli Roth when you need him.

I’m just glad both my grandpas who fought in WWII were dead before they saw the Nazis come to power in america.

We need him again.

WWII ended in 1945, though.

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