My grandfather (middle) and the two men who stood in front of and behind him in line at Auschwitz

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In honor of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, I wanted to share this photo of my grandfather and the men who stood in front of and behind him in line at Auschwitz. 77322, 77323, and 77325. They all managed to survive the holocaust, emigrated to the United States, and stayed in touch. For those curious, 77324 also survived. His name was Morris Blatt and he died in 1999 in Florida.

I’ll raise a drink or 3 tonight in honor of these 3 awesome people !

While it’s amazing that your grandfather survived, whenever I see pictures like this I can’t help but think of all the people they knew who didn’t. The memories of the people lost must have haunted him his entire life. Unbearably sad.

May their memories be a blessing.

Bless them.


Sadly, some people think this was ok and would eagerly applaud its return.


This is awesome. They know they were the lucky ones.

Im glad they made it through

Growing up, my neighbor had the same tattoo. He let me come over to mess around with his home radio set up.

There memory will always be here. Us with Jewish ancestors will never forget what happened, no matter what happens next in this world

My favorite part of this picture is their happiness. There was a time they likely thought they would never have a reason to celebrate again.

Men among men. Bless them

Salud to these brave men

My Grandma was in a camp and had a number tattoo. The orange idiot & co. must be stopped.

That’s amazing. Those mis have been three of the toughest SOBs to ever walk the earth.

This is both sad and amazing. Imagine being together after all that time free and living their lives but bound together by such a terrible situation.


People today see the black and white photos and footage of the holocaust and think that we are so far removed from the atrocities. Makes me sick to my stomach that people are making excuses for Nazi’s in the administration.

Thank you for sharing their memory


The strength these men have is unthinkable 

I’m really stupid the title made me think this photo was taken at Auschwitz during WWII 

How much in total reparations did they receive in 80 years?

My dumbass brain at 3 AM thought this picture was taken in Auschwitz and thought “yo the empire is pretty chill”

Do u condemn the genocide carried out by Israel in Gaza ? What’s the point of remembering holocausts except to ensure that no regime drunk with power and racial superiority never gets to do such acts again?

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