My Idiot! [OC]

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I remember seeing the original a few years back on Imgur.. simpler times back then..

Edit: 2015, damn, it didn’t feel that long ago, I was in college then, now I am married and have a kid

This happened with my mom. She told me she’d been driving down the road when she saw some big dude with a tiny pink backpack with butterflies on it walking around, and thought, who the hell is this guy… oh wait that’s my son.

She was even less impressed when I told her I’d filled my girlfriend’s childhood backpack with beers and was walking with a buddy to go get drunk on a bridge lol

This is a redraw that I made of a super early Our Super Adventure comic! (The original can be seen [here](!)

That’s an awesome backpack I will not let you slander it

srsly what’s wrong with backpacks

This is old I feel old


I don’t understand why backpacks are lame

This is one of my favorite little college memories – walking home drunk from the bar when someone stops late at a stop sign. I, of course, start loudly explaining the extreme error of this minor inconvenience over their honking until I see it’s a friend. We both recognize the other in the same moment and immediately change to happy hellos and waves to go on with our nights.

Is he saying, “beep beep”, or is that the car saying that?

George Carlin would probably spit on rogan

I don’t understand this idiot backpack “joke” (?) Is this some obscure reference?

No fair! I want to be someone’s idiot…

I don’t like the negativity of this comic.

Dam, I wish that were my idiot


I’ve been on both ends of this scenario.




Reminds me of them

Is the driver saying Beep Beep?

Why did he say “beep beep” when his car has a perfectly working horn!???!

It’s interesting to see the audience reaction for this ten years ago versus now lol. Time flies.

Reminds of a story
I was with my girlfriend, and roller backpacks came up. Yknow the ones where it’s a backpack but rolls like a suitcase. I started goin off about how they’re goofy and the people who used them were usually weird or losers etc just dumb stuff. It wasn’t until later when we were talking to her mom and roller backpacks came back up. It was at this point my gf’s mom mentioned that her daughter, my gf, used a roller backpack exclusively 🙃

(Love her to death but let’s just say I was on the money about the people who use roller backpacks)

Hahaahaaha I love the look on his face! Can someone please make a GIF of the panel where he’s looking all smug and then gets punched in the face? I need that in my life

I know it’s a joke but 3 red flags: not recognizing/knowing your partner’s very distinctive backpack, judging that person’s taste/style immediately (especially when your partner is quirky too), and not knowing your partner is walking somewhere until you are driving right past them

Not a knock on you or him though IRL lol

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