My kids insurance premium is definitely going up

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It must be horrible to lose your home and have nothing left but your 2nd house.

You’re right, their monthly payment will go up by at least 5 cookies.

He lives next to a Taco Bell?

Act of god. So you are not covered. Sorry.

cut that tree down last week she said


Just needed 3 more payments

The kid looks treematized!

Costs are through the roof

I had one of these. It was so weird getting too big for it. Eventually you get to the point where you could maybe get inside but never get out. Not that you would want to, it’s only a place where spiders live.

I’m never gonna financially recover from this

I’m sure he’ll be fine. I mean, he’s pretty well off if he’s got 2 homes.

When the tree just started falling before hitting the ground, you kid should have received an sms alert that his contract was amended to exclude tree falls, in addition to a premium hike.

I needed this! Thanks 😄😂

*tree law* 

Don’t forget to tell him you amended the terms to no longer include tree damage to the structure.

You got to teach them early.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

Clearly an act of Log.

It’s the kids fault, who builds so close to the forest line. Like duh!

I hope you have playhouse ins.

I’m sorry, *force majuere* – your coverage is denied.

Sadly at this point we are declining future coverage

We will rebuild.

That’s a permanent part of the roof now.

Welcome to Home Ownership!

When State Farm! Ain’t there! Lol.

Act of god, event not covered. Also, you will not be available for policy renewal.

Op, I can see a safe inside the red house…

Haha, the hands on the head are killing me!

Any good home owner would have seen that dead tree when buying said home. Tough luck kid. I hope the insurance company covers this

At least in 20 year’s time, that house will be worth a million dollars, tree or no tree.



Kid is distraught 

The kid’s reaction is priceless!@

Big bad wolf blew away the straw house, used a tree on the second house and said “forget the brick house”

Nah, turns out their provider is pulling out of the state due to too much risk.


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