My mom having a drink with some British guy in Argentina (1981 or 1982)

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Being a Brit in Argentina in 1982 sounds awkward…

Looks vaguely Zanzibari to me.

I ask this with the utmost respect for women and especially your mother — was she a fat-bottomed girl hanging out with some random pom?

Looks like he’s having a good time

Hey, he looks like Farrokh Bulsara!

He was just some guy, you never believe it but he had all these extra teeth that gave him a decent singing voice.

He doesn’t seem super interested…but still very cool picture.

Probably the best frontman of any rock band ever.

He was probably waiting for A Night At The Opera

Freddy is just thrilled to be surrounded by so many women

Looks like a total Queen.

This could be around the same time my uncle met the band. Queen went to Buenos Aires during this time and after the show, my uncle and his mates went to see them. I don’t recall the exact circumstances, but they saw the band heading into their hotel or their transport, so they ran over to say hello. Their security quickly formed a human shield between them and the band, but Freddie said it was okay, so they got a few photos.

Very old school cool. Thanks!

Seems disappointed in all the skinny bottoms.

Wow, that’s an honest to goodness brag, having a relative take a drink with Freddy freaking Mercury!

The only man I can see in the photo is from Zanzibar

Who gives a damn about some random guy? Jesus Christ the things we see in this sub.

Though he does seem to be having such a good time. He’s having a ball.

Were you born 9 months later??

He looks more like Tanzanian to me …

#His mother & Farrokh!

Freddy Mercury was prolly a perfect gentleman.

So your mother had a mustache in ‘81?

Your mom has a great mustache.

Your mom has cool moustache

Holy shit! Is that Roy Kent?


Is that Bobby Helium?

Was it well known that he was gay back then? Or did women not know and swoon over him? Or maybe they did know and would swoon over him anyways? I’m older but not around then, that was more my Moms time but after seeing this I’m curious.

Dude had All these girls and didn’t even like em

I bet Fred took down each one of them, creating new bloodline generations… and then took down lookiloo glasses back there

He got all the chicks…

Freddie Mercury if anyone doesn’t know 

I have never heard of Freddie Mercury?

Freddy Mercury was quite the ladies man

He’s trying not to laugh as his picture is take because he put on a low effort accent and convinced some girls at the bar he was British lol

Jim Carrey from Me, Myself and Irene.

That happens to be the same location and time that the song “Fat Bottomed Girls” was written. Crazy coincidence…

Damn, your mom knew Omniman!??!!!

That left hand is confusing.

Your real dad?

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