My mom lives near the famous Chichton Leprechaun sighting.. they sell these at stores

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Any yall seen that leprechaun say yeah!!!

For those who don’t remember or know[](

To me it look like a leprechaun to me

I’ma run a backhoe and uproot that tree. I wanna know where the gold at. I want the gold, give me the gold. I want gold.

Could be a crack head

Could be a crack head

Where da gold at?

Crichton leprechaun and bubb rubb & lil sis are the two absolute golden Internet videos

I’ve got my flute at the ready

Bring back impromptu community parties held specifically to clown corporate news media.

The dude holding PVC pipe that’s a leprechaun flute passed down from generations 😂

Resident of Mobile checking in. It’s a fairly common sight around here of people wearing T-Shirts and hanging St Paddy’s day flags with the “amateur sketch” emblazoned on them! The entire city pretty much embraces it!

I’m so glad I could share this, I don’t post a lot but I had to get this out to the world

This makes me so happy right now

I still say “give me the gold, I want the gold” to this day

If a person my age doesn’t get this reference, i can’t trust them. Same goes for old greg and trogdor

Thank you for the 10 minute rabbit hole – I had to go look this up, find the video, etc 😀 I don’t know how this sneaky leprechaun slipped by me!

Also famously sampled by The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza in their song “I Don’t Mean to Impose But I Am the Ocean”

He look like a crack head…who got a hold of the wrong stuff!

Is it lame that I recognized the price sticker is from Publix?

I live near here also.

They throw Chrichton leprechaun stuffies at Mardi Gras. A local coffeehouse has a portrait of him on the side of the building.

He’s a beloved local mascot now.

I just saw the news video of this about 30 minutes ago. I love that this exists.


That expired last year, and I bet your mom doesn’t even live in Crichton.

I love this and I want to replicate this in embroidery form.

“It might be a crackhead” lol. I gotta listen to the remix now…

*I* want the gold!

Original video – [](

I live just outside Mobile and the leprechaun has practically become our city mascot at this point.

I want the gold!

$12 for a cookie?!

Show me the gold!

Imma uproot that tree!

This is what the internet used to be =

I want the gold!!

I wonder if that one dude’s apron is still warding off spells for him.

“Coulda been a crackhead”

Kinda looks like magic man from Adventure Time.



After all these years, still in the top five funniest things I’ve ever seen on the internet. The first time my wife and I watched it we were laughing so hard it became a concern to breathe.

This is a leprechaun flute, passed down from my great great grandfather…

“I’m just here to help out.”

Looks like Jason Mraz

“Probly a Krack Hed, Hoo Got in to duh wrong stuff!”


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