My mom washes her fruits & veggies in soapy water

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I really hope this is just ragebait


Theย [FDA does not recommend](ย washing fruits and vegetables with soap, detergent, orย [commercial produce wash]( They have not been proven to be any more effective than water alone.

Fun fact ingesting soap on a regular basis can destroy your gut bacteria so watch out for the Hershey squirts

Call the police

And you probably had diarrhea a lot growing up.

Why has nobody mentioned that the raspberries are just thrown in there in the plastic

yes officer this post right here

Vinegar is what I use.

You gotta substitute your mom. She seems broken

My mom does this too, most memorably with prewashed salad mix on Christmas. She also doesnโ€™t rinse well. My mom is pretty seriously mentally ill. Is yours?

There are specific soaps that you can get to wash fruits and veggies. Obviously they do not have the same ingredients as regular soap.

Brother in Christ, this is an attempted murder ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™

It’s fine as long as you make sure to rinse all the soap off. Washing veg is not weird. If you know the kinds of crap that’s on them, you would want to wash them too. Of course, there are special soaps for washing veg that rinses easier.

I just rinse mine really well, and I have a special vegetable scrub brush to gently wash the surface.

I mean you could wash off the soapy water potentially, but who the hell washes cabbage? Just take off the outside leaves.

Thatโ€™s ridiculous,why doesnโ€™t she take them in the shower with her like everyone else

Tell her to switch to a little bit of vinegar in water. Sheโ€™s washing off pesticides with chemical soap lmao. Big oof

No? I wash it in baking soda but soap crazy lol

I use baking soda and/or apple cider vinegar

You should be washing them in Brawndo!

My mom does too

Mom needs to know this isnโ€™t it . Get her vinegar .

This reminds me that I read on a bottle of Castile soap that one of the uses is a veggie wash.

This seems like definitely way too much though

Itโ€™s your mom, but you havenโ€™t seen it before?

Honestly, that’s disgusting and most likely makes those berries and veggies *more* dirty. Unless you religiously clean your sink it’s kind of a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, the kind that isn’t killed by warm water or soap.

Tell her to use vinegar, what the fuck?

Well, I’mma have to use soap now as well, but it’s not for Fruits and Veggies that’s for sure…
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I had an aunt who insisted that the proper way to wash fruits and vegetables was soaking them in bleach water.

People wash their dishes, flatware, and glasss with soapy water then eat off them โ€”> no problem. Wash the food same way โ€”> argh cAncEr
Wait until they find out Brits leave the soapy water on the dishes !!

If she uses a small amount of dawn and rinses it thoroughly, it’s not a terrible idea.

It is safe, the raspberries are still in the container. Also, fun note Driscoll does not own a single fruit tree/plant.

Not that weird, it’s actually generally a good idea. When I had stomach cancer the Doctor really went on a kick about how it’s just foolish to eat unwashed fruits and veggies

I do too.

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She learned from him?

Pre-COVID, Americans living abroad, were advised to wash any fruits and vegetables in soap and water or boil for 15 minutes. When COVID hit, some people in the US started suggesting this was a good idea for any produce. The FDA, USDA, CDC– I can’t remember which– told people never to use soap on produce, even though the previous advice was still posted elsewhere by a different agency. The part about using soap and water has since been removed.

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