My mom’s domesticated frog

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First post was deleted, but I thought to give Reddit a second chance of meeting this sweet little fatty.

His name is Robbie and he had randomly shown up in my mom’s kitchen bay window two years ago! He keeps her succulents safe from pests and every time she’s gardening she brings him snacks! He’s completely self sufficient and disappears for days at a time, but always finds his way back home!

Robbie’s a chill dude, met him in frog college back in 92, he was the type of dude to just missing for a long period of time so it checks out

Aparrantly there’s a species of tarantula that keeps some species of small frog as a sort of pet, the frog eats small bugs and other pests that would harm the tarantula’s eggs in the burrow, and in return the tarantula protects the frog from predators. This looks like a very similar thing of keeping the frog safe and fed for it protecting the plants.

I like how you pet it to show that it dosen’t bite.

Very adorable, thank you for sharing

He seems polite

Check out the The Original Sink frog on TikTok. Some how a frog ended up in a lady’s sink and once she got him out found out it wasn’t a native frog to her area. She made him a super cool enclosure and takes care of him. She does lives sometimes to answer questions about him too

Way interesting. Thanks for sharing.

This is the coolest and cutest thing I’ve seen all year

My friend Lauren had a little tiny frog named Mert that lived in an aquarium in her room.

Mostly he just kinda floated around in the tank, I’m sure if you imagine it right now you’re probably correct.

So what the heck, one day she comes home from her job at the movie theater, she was telling me about Men in Black, so that’s 1997, and Mert is just… gone. Like, not there.

For the entire summer she assumed that her black cat Inky Binky Banky had eaten Mert, and we were appropriately sad. She scolded Inky Binky Banky a little, but it’s not like you can really punish a cat for living by cat-nature, especially a cat like Inky Binky Banky, so she forgave him quickly.

Turns out it was the right thing to do because that winter she told me that she had discovered the dessicated, mummified corpse of Mert underneath the baseboard heater.

We buried him in a matchbox out by the azaleas with a little Popsicle stick cross with his name on it across and up and down.





RIP Mert, we hardly knew ye.

Handsome lad. But tamed, not domesticated.

how does it feel to live my dream of owning a personal garden frog…

Just because he cannot eat you, does not mean he doesn’t want to. 

Tell your mom it sounds weird but if she kisses her husband he’ll turn back into a human.

He’s just a chill froggy

I need to know how this happens so I can have my own little house frog. He looks like a little gentleman waiting for his pets.

Aww hi buddy!

Those plants are way too wet.

Robbie’s a cool lad.

r/goblincore needs this!

She is the chosen one!

Is he indoor or outdoor?

AWWWW it’s happy to see you!!!

Honestly nature is cool as fuck I wish more humans cared about it.


It’s all good until he goes rogue and bites off a finger.

Love this picture 😆 Maybe you could try capturing him on video as well?

I love frogs!!!! Your mom’s frog is adorable 🙂

Quality content 

We had some frogs that would hang out in pots outside on the deck. The largest of them didn’t even move when I touched it.

What’s his name?

What is his name?

Yo sup frog, I shall call you fwog

Dat boi?

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