My mother just texted me and said, “just think, someday this will all be yours!”

By g29fan
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And then that weekend, it will be sitting on the table at the garage sale.

Ah yes, our millennial inheritances will be a sight to behold!

As a friend of mine would say, “I don’t have room in my apartment for this.”

I feel weird that this is what millennial rage bate looks like.

I dunno about you guys but I’m gunning for the birdhouse (barnyard?) in the upper left. You don’t see craftsmanship like that in new pieces.

Mine keeps sending me home with boxes of junk every time I visit. What even is half of this crap?

More like someday i will have to haul all this shit to Salvation Army donation center.

Just think of all the bourbon and other spirits you can fit in that cabinet

My mother, who passed away a few years ago, would always say this to me. Then after she passed away, most of her stuff went to Goodwill. Seeing what ended up happening to all of her stuff changed the way I make purchases.

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Does it come with the house to put it in?

I love my grandma’s china collections, I’ll take them any time.

It’s funny. I agree with the anti-clutter millennial sentiment, but I did inherit the curio cabinet when my mother died…

And I cherish it. I’d run in to the burning house to try to save some of the carnival glass vases.
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To clarify, it’s a memory of my mother’s love for antiques. I did throw out like 20 boxes of shitty tchotchkes, but I kept the curio and its contents, among a few other items, like a Victrola record player. Otherwise, my family’s house is quite clutter-free.


We currently have that exact same setup in our dining room. Lots of thymbols and trinkets from Branson.

I’m sure goodwill will love it 

The birdhouse made me chuckle. 

I love the weird tidbits from my nana and mom 😂 I’ve collected such an odd group of.. stuff but it makes me so happy. I just like weird figurines and things like that

I actually love older furniture and decor. I find it has more artistic appeal than a lot of newer generic stuff. Maybe not this piece in particular, but my mom does have this old curio cabinet I have my eye on.

My mom died when I was around 25, so I inherited all this crap well before the average millennial. I was still trying to get my life together at the time, and had no idea what to do with all the glassware, furniture, wood and metal trinkets, china sets, holiday decorations…..the shit never seemed to end. It’s taken me almost 10 years to get rid of most of it. The guilt was unbearable for a long time but I’ve finally come to terms with it and have spent the last couple months purging stuff that I held onto but don’t even like!

For some reason, the boomers still think this shit is worth $$$. I’ve inherited a few cool figurines from my grandparents; and while they’re sentimental, I am confident they are NOT worth any $ lol

You should have said, “Why? What did I ever do to you?!?”

I’ll take the poodles

And then you’ll be stuck getting rid of it.

I say you take it to make em happy. It can crush a soul.

I love my parents so much. Theyve been decluttering for years and are aware of things no longer having value in this day and age

I will GLADLY take them poodles 🐩 off your hands.

Ok, y’all can say whatever you like, but that hutch is pretty. I would take that in a heartbeat

So many of us share the same horror story.

She’s trying to show you her love. These things mean something to her. She just wants you to know she loves you. Say something about it being far in the future and enjoy the fact that you have a mother still.

I wonder if she laughed maniacally to herself knowing that it’s an absolute pile of rubbish.

I got lucky. My mum is more of a functional things collector. That said, she has TONS of stuff.

I love those Flow Blue plates!!

If those are real flow blue plates, those actually do have value.

I have three sets of china from three different family members who have passed on, and a huge collection of crystal from my at least great great grandfather, as well as my own things. And my children, who admittedly are in their very early 20’s, do not care. It breaks my heart. I feel like a museum curator but for what?

“that a threat, ma?”

“Is that a threat, mom?”

Sounds like a low key threat to my ears.

One day lad, all this will be yours!

What, the curtains?

I literally just left my therapist where I told her how I don’t want to have to clear all this shit out of my parent’s house when they die…

“Thanks mom. On an unrelated topic, is it insured against potential fires? Oh… no reason… just making sure you’re all safe.”

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