My mother’s response to finding out I have an autoimmune disease. 🙃

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It’s easy not to believe in medicine when you don’t need it. As soon as you actually do for something serious, it’s a different story.

i’m 18 and got diagnosed w hashis when i was 16! so glad there’s finally a cure! please thank your mom for me💕💕

“Thanks for gifting me with this genetic issue.”

i remember someone i knew in college was disabled and walked with a cane, one of her professors told her she just needed a more positive mindset

That’s worse than “thoughts and prayers” responses. I am so sorry OP, but I love your spirit. You have long fight ahead of you and you’ll need a lot of energy, don’t waste it on your mother.

Poppin Levothyroxine what up fellow hashi fam

Right. Cure your genes.

Sorry to hear about that. Maybe you can’t cure it, but knowing what and why can help you learn how to live your best life anyway!

I hate this whole “manifestation” bullshit. No, just because you really want something that doesn’t change shit. I have a buddy whose entire retirement plan is winning the lottery and he says it will 100% happen because he is trying to manifest it. It’s so fucking ridiculous. Like yeah no shit you want a genetic disease to go away but just wishing it would really hard isn’t going to magically cure you. It also puts the onus on victims cause they just didn’t wish they got better hard enough. Some Christian Science nonsense.

I just got diagnosed with this too and this sounds like my mom 🥹 she would be like don’t wish that on yourself and I’d be like… mom I have it it’s diagnosed 🙄

Very common for people with autoimmune issues to hear. “Just decide to be well” absolute garbage. I am so sorry you have to hear this.


I’m sorry

I also have hashimotos and it’s a long fight and sucks, it took 10 years of medication to show improvement. While it’s still scarred it’s started to heal and it took years of medication, you can’t just say mind over matter and boom my organ isn’t covered in scar tissue!

I hope you are able to find what works for you, there’s so many challenges that come with this disease. A long journey and quite difficult at some times, but not impossible, I wish you the absolute best💜

A family member tried to do something similar to me when I had ovarian cysts removed. Told me it was all diet. I just needed to change my (already healthy) diet and attitude.

I really hate this attitude. Like sorry I guess millions of people dying of cancer didn’t wish hard enough?

This mostly comes from people who don’t have any chronic diseases and are insanely scared of them, so they feel safer when they bullshit themselves with “If I ever got this, my positive mindset will fix it” or “Right now, I’m healthy because of my positive mindset.” It’s such toxic, stupid behavior, even if it comes from a good place

Never before have I seen a “Thanks!” encompass so much “get fucked” energy. Well done.

As a bearer of bad news, autoimmune diseases tend to come in chunks — be on the lookout for things like T1 diabetes, psoriasis, arthritis, and a few other more interestingly rare ones. T1D is Hashimoto’s are seen a lot together, and a lot of the “my thyroid meds aren’t working” are also symptoms of untreated T1, so… keep in touch with your endo.

“Bro just get better”

It’s OK to go low contact with **obtuse** parents.

I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m sorry her response was so shitty. As a mother, it breaks my heart.

“I’ll tell you my problem that is literally genetic if you promise you won’t victim-blame me” “Sure”

Your mom is basically like “just cast cure” as if life is a videogame, oof

I swear there’s been such a rise in the whole “natural/holisitic healing” bs the last few years it’s insane. It *can* work but I know so many people who dismiss the idea of scientific medicine all together. I have an autoimmune problem as well and every time I tell someone it’s “see my natural doctor! Other doctors just wanna prescribe pills”… I did once out of desperation and was charged $200 for just talking to her for 15 mins.

I’ll never understand people like this. We didn’t make it this far as a species by relying on well wishes and energy to treat health issues.

Definitely r slash thanksimcured vibes.

If you don’t mind my asking, what was the process for getting the genetic test?

Definitely take your meds everyday! I also have Hashimoto’s and it’s really no joke. Every day is a guess on how I’m going to feel.

Let’s hope your intellect also came from your dad’s side.

That’s a scary level of stupid.

Dang as someone with an autoimmune disease, I feel this. I’m sorry it was your mom though. Your response made me laugh. 😂

That’s crazy! She’s just like “have you tried feeling better?” Wow, thank you for the cure to all my problems that the doctors could not even find. Not to mention, that this would be so disheartening to hear after a diagnosis like this. I hope you’re doing alright!

Ugh I can’t stand when people say stuff like this because it puts a type of blame on the hapless victim of the circumstance.

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