My mum gifted me a framed piece of wrapping paper. Around 30 years ago she received 53 rolls of this paper by accidently witing the item’s catalogue page number in the quantity box on the mail-order form. It has been used for every gift I have received from them ever since. This is the last piece.

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I don’t know why but framing it just seems like the sensible thing to do here.

Such a lovely story! This reminds me of when, in my first job back in the 90s my friend, who was responsible for the stationary order, ordered 100 huge boxes of padded envelopes rather than the 100 padded envelopes she thought she was ordering, and they arrived in an articulated lorry and I’ve never laughed so hard.

that’s actually very sweet. could be posted on r/wholesome 

Merry Christmas Polar Bear

Pro tip- hang it up out of direct sunlight to prevent fading.

That’s hilarious. I was trying to think of something funny to post, but I can’t stop laughing

I’ve got wrapping paper from 2008, dad used to work delivering for Waitrose and raided the skips a few times

Also, let’s just admit that those are ridiculously cute polar bears.

Take a high quality scan of that piece, get some custom wrapping paper printed, and gift her another 53 rolls.

I’m sure we had that wrapping paper when I was young. As soon as I saw it, it took me back.

This is precious. Peak mumming right there! What a good mummy. Tell her that this Internet stranger wishes her a Merry Christmas.

Omg I love this story and how it ended up!

This is wonderful ❤️

That’s actually really lovely. 

thanks mum xx

I used to love the catalogue that only came out for Christmas and had all the cool sweets and personalised stuff. Can’t remember the company’s name.

*standing ovation*

This is so wholesome, please say you’re going to keep it in the frame!

That’s a great story! All I can think though is where to store 53 rolls

This really made me smile, I think because it reminds me of something my mum might have done.

Not quite the same scale, but a guy I worked with in France in 2012 ordered some sausages from the local “British butcher”. Each pack had a dozen sausages, and he wanted a dozen, so he ordered 12, packets… so he ended up with 144 sausages, that he had no space to store them long term.
He didn’t question the price, he just assumed it was expensive because the guy was offering a unique service!
We took a couple of packets off his hands.

My dad, some thirty years ago, bought some wrapping paper from a guy who had a gift wrapping business that had gone bust.

There’s no cardboard roll in it it’s very tightly wound with enough room to go on a reel. I still have a roll of it today….. it never seems to run out.

Made me smile. The last piece to cement the legacy. Nice.

This has made me smile 😃

My mum entered a spot the dog competition in the local paper in the 80s . It was being run by the local farm shop. She won.. her prize was sheep dog food ,24 absolutely massive bags of dry sheepdog food. Our poor little dog Ben ate it for his tea for about 5 years solid .

Are you going to buy 53 rolls with a new design to keep the tradition going?

The dedication of using all of that up properly instead of selling some off or just throwing it away ABSOLUTELY should be celebrated.

my work did something similar, they meant to order 80 cupcakes and didn’t realise that each unit was actually a dozen cupcakes meaning we ended up with 960 cupcakes

Reminds me of the time I worked for Tesco and someone accidentally ordered 20 pallets (not boxes) of carrier bags. Not once did anyone packing, loading or delivering ever question why. Just a whole truck with nothing but carrier bags turned up one day, the look on my managers face was priceless 🤣

What a lovely story, & a great way to commemorate the end of an era.

My most ‘excess’ story is only 6 years old. I’m a graphic designer / print supplier & one of my regular jobs is a client’s annual A3 landscape B2B calendar.
I did the design as per, got it approved, & placed the order for 130 calendars… only for 330 to arrive a week or so later! Client’s face when he came to collect was a picture 😆… lots of freebies to give out though!


As someone who loves wrapping gifts, this seems like a lovely, thoughtful thing. I think it’s fantastic. 

This is so sweet!

I love that! What a fun memory and a fab way to remember it.

Was she ever tempted to use it for birthday gifts too?

How does wrapping paper so banal still manage to scream the 90s? Has wrapping paper production really improved since then I can subconsciously tell the difference?!

Value for money – taking inflation into account… stonks

Honestly that’s extremely heart warming…

Did she have to pay for all 53 rolls?

What a great family story to keep telling and passing down!! My family has some pretty good ones that were shared from or about my grandparents at different ages. IRL headcannon?

That’s really nice paper. I wouldn’t mind that. I bet that paper is associated with some really nice memories.

I love this!


Your story went from “this is mental” to “this is actually quite touching.” Excellent authorship!

We have a number of pictures that come out with the Christmas decorations. I would absolutely put this in that category.

Buy in bulk, Never sulk

That’s really cool… great parenting

I love this, has she ordered 53 rolls of new paper yet?

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