My nana made me a ravenclaw inspired quilt for my college graduation! She’s so proud of it!

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She should be proud, it’s amazing! I say this as a crafter but your Nana loves you a whole lot because that’s a ton of work. Congratulations on your graduation!

Edit: I zoomed in on the picture. Now I’m upgrading my comment to your Nana loves you more than anyone because that’s more work than I originally thought. Your Nana is talented!

Tell your nana I love her

Your nana is officially the coolest person I’ve (never) met

Holy shit. A hundred points to nana! 🥹

Okey but how much is Nana willing to charge for a Slytherin one? GORGEOUS design!!

And congrats on your graduation OP!

The way the squares look like studs is SO cool. Like an armored quilt

Holy shit nana 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 ugh! I’d die for a Slytherin one!!!

Omg she’s awesome! I want one too!

Oh my ocd. Really nice. Just can’t look at it very long

I’m blown away by these comments and so is my nana. She’s just beside herself with joy reading these comments. Thank you everyone.

That is gorgeous!!

Is there a reason it’s not in a pattern? Kinda driving me nuts with the random placement.

Hug her hard

Congratulations on your graduation! Here’s a !redditgalleon for your nana, what a thoughtful and beautiful gift!

I wish my nana was still alive

Where can I put in my grandchild application?

Bad ass. Is this based on a design or is it her original?
My ex knitts and would love to get her working on one in huffle puff colours

NANA!!!!!! How much?? I didn’t graduate anything. I just want one

That’s amazing work nana!!

She doesn’t know you tested as a hufflepuff

Damnnnnn and it’s huge !

That’s a really pretty quilt! She’s right to be proud.

Nana wins.

House Cup is going to Ravenclaw, but I can’t even be mad because this is amazing.

WOW! What a treasure! I admire her skill and talent

That’s fucking sick dude. I’ll buy one from her for 200 bucks

She rightly should be proud, that’s GORGEOUS.

I applaud any Quilter. I especially applaud your Nana. This one’s a beaut. Give her a big hug for us Redditors.

Want even looking at the sub name and thought “Ravenclaw” so she’s doing it right!

That’s awesome regardless of theme. Just looks cool.

Treasure that beautiful nana and her wonderful craftsmanship forever. 💕

Just started playing Hogwarts Legends and I’m in Ravenclaw (didn’t think that would happen!) your quilt is outstanding, Nana should absolutely be proud

Nice quilt Nana!!!

Beautiful. Also, what a lovely room.

I love it


Is the business of nana currently hiring for grandchild positions?

That thing is dooooppppe. And if you live somewhere cold this thing is gonna be your best friend.

Quilt aside, we need to talk about that brilliant mantle and gorgeous hardwood. Let’s see a room pic.

Harry Potter fan or not that’s a bad ass quilt

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