My neighbor set his son’s soccer goal up against my fence and the kid dented the hell out of it with missed kicks.

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Invite him over to play on your side of the fence so it evens out

He was bending it like Beckham

This looks like the fence in the RuneScape quest dwarf cannon where you have to fix the fence railings for a dwarf
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A cheap thin gage aluminum fence is simultaneously the easiest fence on earth to damage and repair. A large t-square, a cloth or sack, straight piece of lumber and a rubber mallet and you could have that fence repaired in an hour of light work

OP: I’m mildly infuriated that my fence is bent

Reddit: We’re mildly infuriated that you have a fence that is so easily bent.

Either that kid has one hell of a kick, or that is one cheap ass fence.

The son:


Doesnt everybody put the goal infront of the fence?

people missing the point (like that kid missing the goal) these fences are mostly decorative, they are thin aluminum bars. My (25lb) dog sticking his head through a similar fence was able to bend it. I would 100% say something though that’s a lot of damage. There is no politics or social issues here just because they are from ukraine…. leave that out of it.


How is the kid bending a metal fence with a soccer ball??

If they can be bent by a soccer ball, they should be pretty easy to straighten out

I think if your fence can’t handle a child kicking a soccer ball, you got scammed on your fence.

It doesn’t matter that they’re Ukrainian. Like at all, dude. You don’t have to approach them angrily. You don’t even need to ask them to pay for it if it’s not that big of a deal to you, but if you want it to at least stop I’m sure they’d appreciate you bringing it to their attention so they can at least move the net for you.

You should be mildly infuriated at your fence manufacturer. Unless that kid plays for Manchester United, a soccer ball shouldn’t be doing that.

Is he practicing with a bowling ball?

Unpopular opinion but I think a lot of the time, cheap versions of stuff should just, not fucking exist.

That fence was manufactured waste. It shouldn’t exist. Get a wooden picket fence or spend the cash for wrought iron. Fuck this enshitification nonsense. /rant

Weak ass fence

cheap ass fence

That must be one very cheap fence or one very strong lad.

Honestly just leave it. The fence appears to be fragile anyways so live with it until it shows it’s age and then replace it with a proper metal fence later

Forget the fence…. offer to be his manager and sign him up for some development leagues!

Boy, this has really got me bent out of shape

You can say something but just be nice about it, you dont have to be a dick.

Like “Hey, Bob, not a big deal but I noticed your kid’s soccer ball is denting this shitty fence I installed, would you mind doing me a favor and asking them to set the goal up somewhere else?”

Then offer him a beer and laugh about it. Not the end of the world.

Let me add that they are also good, decent people. They’ve gifted me some excellent vodkas over the years. This is a rare lapse of courtesy.

Cheap decorative fences aren’t meant to be sturdy. Who knew?

Tbh I blame the fence.

Edit sorry just saw the whole “theyre Ukrainian” and? That doesn’t change the fact that your fence is trash.

But if you want to ask them to stop denting your crappy fence you shouldn’t be deterred because they’re Ukrainian they aren’t in Ukraine presumably? Like your cheap fence isn’t the border between your country and theirs? No good?

If it’s that upsetting say something where the hell their from has zero baring on them breaking your temu fence

Is your fence made of sodium or something equally soft.

… That’s either a very flimsy fence or there’s a career for said kid.

Idk why but this is so sweet to me. I feel like it would bring me joy to see it so dented if it meant a kid got to be outside and enjoy himself. Fences come and go 🙂

Plot twist, fence is not a cheap aluminum like everyone assumes and the OPs neighbour is playing soccer with a hardened steel ball

You can either simply forgive them and let kids be kids or speak to them about it and let them know it bothers you. Or just wait because maybe they haven’t even noticed yet, and when they do maybe they’ll be mortified and come to you first. Maybe also you can repair it somewhat by bending back the bars and have the kid help you. If he could bend them with a soccer ball, they couldn’t be that difficult to bend back, although it will never be completely straight. After that he needs to move the goal.

Next time don’t get a fence from Wish

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