My nephew refuses to go to our local park because he’s terrified of this thing

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He’s right

Wise kid.

Why it’s just the wood carving of a man a mob hung from a tree and killed by spilling his guts because they accused him of witchcraft. It’s pretty normal and not at all scary. I mean it could happen to anyone.

I’m on your nephews side here lol

Just tell him it only comes alive at night so not to worry

i would be too

Shit, I ain’t going to your park, either.

and youre not? that thing needs to be cut down

As a kid that would have terrified me.

Well…as he should…that thing is creepy af…

Fair enough. I used to visit the cemetery down the street from my apartment all the time when I was in college..I stumbled upon this headstone with a head full of acid one night, freaked me right the hell out.
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I think this is a girl (ponytail?) doing a handstand.

Honestly, your response to his response is more infuriating than your post…

Try to explain it’s just doing a Keg stand

He’s right. That thing looked cursed

Your nephew is clearly wise beyond his years.

Imagine youre a little kid at the playground playing in the sandbox. You look at the weird statue, then you look back at you bucket and shovel. Then you look back at the statue and now its sprinting full speed at you.

Fuck is that

That thing looks like a corpse.

So your nephew has common sense, and you don’t

I mean clearly that’s some kind of vengeful dryad waiting to happen

I mean, he’s not wrong

I’m with your nephew.

I think most of us are in agreement.

Hahaha reading these comments, Reddit you did not disappoint, Thank you.

Where do you live? I wish my local park had such a cool Mussolini statue

this some ish you’d see in a horror movie. totally don’t blame him


I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t willingly go there either.

I’m sorry but that’s fucking creepy

What’s mildly infuriating you? The statue or your nephew?

That thing definitely comes alive at night and walks on its hands.

“You better behave or the tree corpse will getcha!”

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