My new probiotics look like fish. Or maybe chicken legs.

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Looks like the bath pearls I used to buy in the 90s.

I vote for goldfish look-alike.

That really doesn’t look like something you’re supposed to ingest.

They sell some women’s beauty serums like this but you’re supposed to twist the end off to get the liquid out.


The Babel fish is supposed to go in your ear. Do you even know where your towel is?

OP: orally ingested probiotic

Chat: Butt stuff

Fish? I prefer to name these “bananaflavored micro-buttplugs”.

The pills that smile back until you bite their head off

Do you have kids, or grandkids around? These look a bit like shiny goldfish crackers.

The fish-shaped design of these capsules is specifically made to allow for cutting them open to extract their contents. This feature is particularly useful for administering medication to pets like dogs, who may have difficulty swallowing pills.

My cat takes an omega-3 supplement that looks like that, but is transparent with the fish oil inside


Those are babblefish, you’re supposed to shove them in your ears for automatic alien language translation.

I somehow misread that as prosthetics and was really confused for a moment lmao.

These look so satisfying for some reason

what brand of probiotics is it?

What is this, a butt plug for ants?????

The purest goldfish.

These remind me of the face serum capsules I have where you twist off the small end. Never seen that as a pill you’re supposed to swallow!

There’s no way these are supposed to be taken like a pill! They must’ve put the wrong labeling on because that clearly looks like a suppository. Or a cheddar goldfish. Yummy


Looks like a lego prop for something like a chicken leg

Goldfish with a chicken leg up it’s ass.

The probiotic that smiles back

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