My Nextdoor neighbour

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Stand there drinking your coffee and under no circumstances break eye contact

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Cover it with a piece of plywood then cut out little holes for her face lol.

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Not the well placed ad underneath

My neighbour used to look over my fence and bark at my dogs. One time my dad was watering the garden and my neighbour looked through a gap in the fence (he broke it after we got fence extensions) and started to bark at my dogs so my dad sprayed him in the face with the garden hose. Hasn’t done it since 🤣

had the same situation years ago in my apartment. the old guy across the street kept on staring at me in the morning. I waved many times without an answer thinking the guy was a weirdo. I tried staring contests, funny dances and all. not batting an eye. A while after, I was told the old guy who lived there is actually almost completely blind and just stood there in the morning to get some light and was part of his morning routine.
I still feel bad about it today 🫣

Have you tried a high powered water pistol?


Put a mirror facing her way there.

I would photograph him, highlight his face surrounded by foliage, and put the picture in his letterbox, if there are more incidents, print lots of copies and staple them to posts all over the neighborhood with a warning that a voyeur is out and about.

Looks like you need a shrub for that corner.

thats a skinwalker.

Jeepers Creeper

She waits for ur screwdriver to grow up

I’m sorry but this picture is hilarious. However, i’d be putting up something out of her reach to block viewing access to my living space because shit’s creepy

She might have some cognitive issues going on, put a tree or something there to prevent the peeking.

Put a sprinkler right there that you can turn on incognito

Without saying a word, hand her a fist full of baked beans.

when you walk up there and stare back, what happens?

Maybe mount a mirror in the gap between the shed and the tree – a mirror facing towards her property

Zoom in, print it out about the size of a movie poster and stick them on your lawn facing her house 🤣.

Meth. She’s naked behind there and probably just taking a dump standing up, looking you straight in the eye…

Drag a bin bag through your house and into your garden making sure to leave a red trail behind. Freak out the freak

Holy shit she creepy

Heidi-Ho Tim

She probably had no idea you were home. Every day she’s gone out to stand and contemplate why someone would try and plant a screwdriver. Late at night she can’t sleep laying in bed asking, “why?” There has to be a reason! Google searches not helping. Her gal pals come over for some wine but there’s no space for them to see as the bush needs be trimmed.

Either that or she just found out she lives next to jason momoa

Hands off Murray
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Is it possible she has dementia? I work in a nursing home and a lot of my residents who have dementia tend to just stare at certain people. They’re overly nosy and curious but harmless.

Imagine that she is actually blind, has no idea she even looking over at you, but just outside having a secret ciggy 🚬or letting one rip 💨

Tape that photo to your window, then she can just stare at herself

time for a taller fence

Fixed it!
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Ew, she literally squeezed in between a bushy ahh tree just get a lookmat you.. that feels illegal almost… all that fencing there makes sense now with a neighbor like that. I’m sorry but that’s horrifying and if it was me I’d actually be terrified and feel violated someone was invading my privacy like that. Not cool.

You wanna know what’s creepy af? Let’s /x/ this up a little.
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I have seen that face before. I did an explore of Cincinnati Mall, right? This was drawn on a wall:

Hope you have your curtains closed at night…. fuckin creeper!¡!


I would say good morning & walk over start chatting. Its how I’ve got to know most of my neighbours. Even the neighbour nobody likes stops & chats now.

If you’re a man, it looks like you need to pick that exact spot to start sunning your butthole. Right where she can see you.

Creep, wtf xD

Keep staring back with the blankest face you can muster. In my experience the best way to make peeople stop staring at you is stare back.

Does she rub fertiliser into her eyes before she enters creep mode?

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