My not boyfriend doesn’t ever wash or rinse his tea mug

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Dude I thought that was a flower pot

tannin patina — in a lot of cultures they try to build this up intentionally in their teapots, not harmful but….not appealing to most folks for obvious reasons 😂

Please don’t wash it, I’ve seen fights over this.

Perfect if you run out of tea. Just add hot water and scrape down the sides for a lovely emergency cup.

He’s just seasoning it

It’s the cast iron pan of tea mugs

You should ask him why, i’m genuinely curious. These comments make it seem like there’s a reason other than being disgusting.

now get the outside dirty and sell it as an ancient civilization cup for who-knows-what money

gotta think monetary

That‘s where all the flavor is

What is a not boyfriend?

Mmmmmmm flavor……..

It’s seasoned, like a cast iron pot.

I had a well seasoned coffee cup that I didn’t clean during an entire deployment to Iraq. Customs finally made me clean it out before they’d let me get on a plane home. Apparently, coffee stains were more dangerous than the actual f**king gun I was carrying. Lol.

You could probably save it up for years and then split the mug in two to count how many rings of tea you find.

Holy tannins, batman!

Quite a lot of people don’t wash their tea mugs. There is an opinion that it tastes better that way.

Honestly, if you try to replace this with a flower pot, he probably wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference

He should remain your not boyfriend.

and he drinks tea from it?

apparently it improves the flavor.

Was he ever in the US Navy?

A lot of people had a tradition of not washing them for months. As long as it’s straight black coffee, I never saw any issues. But the minute some tried this with cream and sugar… it would start growing.

Does he shit in it?

Tf is a not boyfriend??


That makes my stomach hurt just looking at it.

Is your bf Arthur Morgan by any chance?

I mean if it tastes the same anyway 🤷

Well seasoned

I actually don’t know what to say.

WTF open reddit the first thing i saw


I used to clean in universities and you would be surprised how many professors do that.. D:

What’s a not boyfriend?

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