My parents at their wedding circa 1990

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They look like they could be twins!

Your chin must be amazing.

Getting some strong Jack and Jill vibes here.

Are they brother and sister as well??? They look identical!

These two people look the same.

To clarify, no they are not siblings

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Leave op alone. I think you’ll find his parents don’t look all too similar in this other photo from their wedding.

They both look like Jim Carrey

Is he marrying himself in drag?

OP, get checked for Marfan Syndrome.

Um. They may want to check into their family histories

“circa 1990”

Does OP not know what year their parents married?


I was feeling mean with my thoughts until I read the comments and you guys are way worseย 

Please don’t be insulted, but your Mom looks like your Dad in drag.

But they are the same person

Are they siblings?

I’m going to guess they are still together.

It takes someone who really loves themselves to be able to look at their own face everyday in their partner. With that being true, two healthy minded people like this should have no problem working together through life’s problems.

I honestly believe a lot of the pictures on reddit are AI creations posted by bots or people looking for feedback on their creations. Especially the “Am I ugly? Never had a girlfriend” type pictures.

These people look very tall

I refuse to believe this isnโ€™t AI generated. Prompt โ€œgenerate image of a Eli manning with jay Lenos chin getting married to a female of themselfโ€

Lovely photo… both your parents simultaneously look a little bit like Jim Carey playing the role of both the mother and the fathers… just saying

Cute couple, but they look like identical twins

They literally have the exact same face.

Is your last name Habsburg?

Why the long face?

Those chins are necks level.

Say youโ€™re from Massachusetts without saying youโ€™re from Massachusetts.

This comments section is peak reddit.

Thanks for never disappointing me.

Your dad is Guy Smiley?!

Is OP Jim Carrey?

Are they distant twins? Blew my mind…

This bums me out that this is Old School Cool dammit.

Why the long face?

They look like brother and sister

Uncle Daddy and Aunt Mommy?

They look almost like brother and sister! But they also look beautiful and happy!

This comment section is too top tier

Is your mom just your dad in drag?

They literally fucked themselves

You must have QUITE the length in neck…

Can we get a face swap? In my mind this works waaay better than it should

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