My respect for Al Green just went up ⬆️

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Bro showed up with the Sumner cane respect the goat

More need to stand up to this tyrany. Thank you Al Green!

It’s a shame more democrats aren’t in solidarity

The Hypocrisy of the right in full display…

Imagine if each Dem had done this in kind one at a time.

To protest with word while complying in action is what cowards do,

Thank you Al for taking action, I look forward to others fallowing suit

I wish more democrats would do the same. The “protest” paddles are weak.

I just missed it. What happened?

They should just slowly do this 1 by 1 so the buffoon can’t talk

I was hoping they would all individually stand up, disrupt, and be removed.

True American patriot

Rest of the Dems are so fuckin embarrassing with their pink outfits and stupid little signs. Sitting silently while he shits all over them. For fucks sake

Everyone else is completely worthless and disappointing

I just donated to him.

My respect for the rest of the dems has gone down. They should have all walked out when they kicked him out.

He never lost any of mine

I have genuinely never seen anything more spineless than those “false” signs they’re holding up. It’s absolutely terrifying to see this party has learned nothing about how flaccid their attempts are

Dude , you can’t just post this with no context.

I’m glad they’re not gonna let the shit stain speak without being stopped. This is entirely out of hand and we’re very very far from peace.

He’s a real one ☝️

That’s what John Lewis would call “good trouble”.

He’s a hero

Every Dem that showed up and didn’t match Mr Green has to go.

I’d probably get myself escorted out just to have an excuse not to watch that shit.

Good for him!!

Thank you, Mr. Green.

Majorie and Handy Lauren interrupted Biden all the time and they never got thrown out

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