My rich friend threw a quinceañera for his dog

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I won’t tell people I’m rich but there will be signs

She seems unimpressed.

Don’t you feel bonita?

*(looks at his own dogs who are now looking expectantly at him)*


To be fair a quincenera for a dog is like a 60th birthday party or something . . .

So is the dog 15 in dog years or human years? If your dog hits 15 in human years a party is certainly in order.

Okay but that dress is stunning

Me encanta.

A live fucking band. 💀

Is it stupid to waste this money on a quinceañera for a dog? Probably.

Do I have any problems at all with this precious girl having one? Nope, not a single one! =)

Another pic: comment image)

Finally a rich person spending their money right

Making grandma feel like a young pup again.

Can we get a video?

I would love to get a gig playing for an animal

That is the cutest thing I have seen in a while on Reddit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)

This is so bizarre but adorable at the same time.


Hey they paid 6 live musicians (I assume)

You know what, if I had the money, I’d do the same
Or at least throw a nice party for le pupper. Probably no band that would be making loud noises though…

Big baritone guitar

Aw. Those musicians look so excited to play for a dog. 🥹

If money wasn’t an issue, I’d throw a quinceañera for every dog in the world

Ok that cracked me up!!

That is an old Lab!

Shes adorable

That’s really cute tho

Ain’t that the story of Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3?

Those are her last years so this is actually very thoughtful. Dogs only live until that age especially bigger ones. So, well deserved. Happy for your friend and her doggie.

I wouldn’t tell anyone if I came into money, but there’d be signs…

I don’t think you had to specify they’re rich lol

This is the type of behavior from the wealthy I can tolerate. She looks like she deserved it

This is the stuff rich people should be doing instead of polluting the planet

I want to see who was the dance partner to the vals

Aww beautiful dog! 


She looks stunning in that dress. ❤️😊

What would you do when you have money?

what a waste of fucking money

thats why we need to eat the rich

My dog is almost old enough for his Bar Mitzvah :,)

If I were rich, I’d do this like this. I wouldn’t buy expensive cars, or media companies. I wouldn’t lobby government, or hobnob with other rich people.

I’d spend way too much money on my pets.

I mean, it keeps money in circulation and creates jobs, so happy quinceanera doggy!

Eh, that’s cute. To some people pets are all we get. Let’s love them.

I once asked for a half day off work to attend a Quinceanera for a cat. The look on my boss’s face when I was honest about the reason for the time off was priceless.

I hope they served guau guaucamole


Your rich friend chose well

Whelp – that’s adorable.

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