My roommate trashed my house to get to her food.

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“And I’ll do it again.”

And it’s your fault.

She’s absolutely within her rights, read your lease more carefully next time

Excuse me, I’m this cat’s lawyer and my client says she hasn’t eaten in months* so you may want to get yourself some representation.

*months, days, hours, it wasn’t clear but she is still clearly underfed.

Nah, that’s your landlord!

Increase her rent

She’s not one bit sorry, either 💅


Your Honor, she had a bad case of hungy.

No “ragrets”

Serves you right.

I’ll bet she didn’t offer to clean it up, either. That bitch!

😩 my cat is 17 years old and does this chit on the regular, fu look included. He’d probably swat me if I got that close.

Welp least I’m not alone on this one 🤭

As her lawyer, you have no evidence.

She’s valid for this, I too will trash the house looking for a good snack sometimes 🤷‍♀️


We bought an automatic feeding dish and used double sided tape to tape it to the floor. She spent probably weeks trying to figure out a way to get food before the dish goes off. She gave up eventually, but it took a while. Highly recommend

That’s what you get for only having their bowl partially filled. We know who the alpha roommate is, and it isn’t you

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Naughty kitty

I JUST adopted a young male bengal-pattern kitten. Now suddenly everywhere I’m seeing these diabolical terrors lmfao

He is the wildest good boi I’ve ever had

Your roommate is kind of a dick

She’s not sorry

Honestly i was not seeing the roommate until I clicked the photo and then was bwhahahahahaha.

I didn’t even notice the perp in the corner at first

I call my cats roommates too. I love watching the confusion on people before they figure out the psychopath I’m describing is a literal animal

CAT: you know what I did Pick it up

that wasn’t in the agreement

You mean freeloader.

Undoubtedly evil but very cute.

That picture oh my god lmao


No dog to frame? I mean blame?

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Her house. Her food.

we have a situation

Devious wunk

That sucks about the mess, but the photo composition is great

She got enough food to share with you, how thoughtful

honestly, you’re roommate is in the right!

Bad roommate Bad roommate


She’s just showing you the vulnerabilities in the security your food storage😂

🤣😂 this made me lol so much 🤣😂

Side note… make sure you feed the baby next time lol

Should have had your ass home sooner. That’s your roomate speaking not me. I’ve got so much shit torn up from my roommate when he’s displeased with his human.
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Said roommate

I want to hear the roommates side first

It was the 1 armed dog!

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