My Shadowheart cosplay (underwear version)

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Good. Now I dare you to cosplay the Apostle of Myrkul.


Next do Auntie Ethel in her underwear!

If pants could brood XD

Farming intensifies. Great work on details.

So if I may ask, did you use photoshop or find a colour paint that exactly matches your skin colour to cover up all the tattoos?

The rifle really evokes the Sharran vibe


Iโ€™m sure your DMs are a warzone.

I’m assuming there’s bots involved in promoting this stuff because how has it got 400 upvotes in half an hour

Yo, is that a PSG in the background?

Cursed to put my hands on everything

Least horny BG3 post

Sorry, but I need a pic of you in your underwear with that sniper rifle in a dynamic pose for the sheer comedy of it all.

Like when you install too many mods and decide the Shadowheart x Quiet mod is a valid build.

dude cmon


A little info about this costume! As in other times, I used natural leather. I formed it according to the anatomy using water and a mannequin. Transfer patterns and 3D printing were also used โœจ And I made several videos that I will upload to my [Instagram]( stories with this cosplay. Also, you can see there that I am completely covered in tattoos, so each cosplay in underwear is a body art for me <D

upd: I upload [video]( of the process~

This is genuinely so good! Wonderful cosplay ๐Ÿ‘

Am I the only one who thinks, that the background looks pretty German?

this is almost as good as my Lester from GTAV (underwear version) cosplay

Nailed it in every possible way


*If pants could brood…*

can we all just admit that cosplay is really just a code word for soft core porn at this point

You ever look at a picture of a woman and your first thought is… nah that ain’t real?

sick OF promotion ๐Ÿ˜ญ also possibly botted upvotes? like 500 in under an hour

Damn check out those guns!
Like a sniper rifle and a pistol? Damn!


free feet

Lady of loss be damned. Thatโ€™s some great attention to detail.

absolutely awesome! was the wig publicly available or made?

Girl you got legs for days.


As underwear go, Iโ€™m not expecting this to be all that comfortable to wear.

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