My shoes decided to give up just as I reached the wedding

By Srovium
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Second post I’ve seen in an hour where soles are just giving up

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Forgot to renew the subscription

God rest the soles of all the dearly unparted.

Dry rot. Just like old tires

2nd post like this I’ve seen today 😅

How does this even happen?

Shoes just like disintegrate like that?

Could be worse. Not sure how but could be worse

First half a sole went, then half of the other side… Then I just said fuck it I better remove all the other bits otherwise I’ll leave a trail of rubber all along the floor
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Don’t give the shoe companies any ideas because then they’ll make something that looks like that and charge $200 for it.

What is up with everyones shoes giving up today

A second shoe sole pic has hit the subreddit

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…what is going on in the shoe multiverse.

Bro. You walk into church and this happens? Holy crap… Say your prayers and drink some holy water… God is not happy with you.

This happened with my ski boots once, hadn’t skied in years, got all the way to the top of the mountain, and as soon as I clipped them into the skis they just disintegrated haha

What’s going on with people’s shoes today??

Is this the same dude from earlier?

Ok what the hell is happening to our shoes?

This is the second post I’ve seen like this today.. wtf shoes just explode like this

Why is this happening so much today

Wtf is going on with people’s dress shoes today?!

I just saw another post like this but with different shoes. Strange

Where the hell are people buying their shoes from?

This again??

Stop buying shit from Temu…

The devil took his sole. 😂

Please tell me you’re the groom. The cold feet jokes would write themselves.

Shoes getting Thanos. I got to wear my J’s.

Lmaooo second post like this. How tf does even happen

And my 15yr old Crocs are still going strong. Lol

This exact thing happened to me… In the middle of a funeral. Was so embarrassing. Just leaving a trail of shoe debris every step I took until eventually had no soles at all 😢

Natural rubber and dry rot. Could be worse, you could be on a 2 week camping and climbing holiday in the Scottish Highlands and your shoes disintegrate.

Missed a lot before I got a new pair, had to break in.

Everyone check their soles because Thanos may have just snapped them all out of existence.

This happened to my Aunts date at my daughter’s wedding in September! Oof!

I had that happen to me once on the first day of a new job.

This is unbelievable. Last year the exact same thing happened to me at a wedding. Every time I got up to walk around I left a trail, ended up making my mark throughout the whole venue.

Yeah this is my second post in an hour about exploding shoes… i’m not wearing anymore shoes today.

Somewhere out there … there is a new super villain… honing in his powers and setting his first goal as to “destroy all soles”

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