My sister recovering from wisdom tooth surgery.

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Beautiful hands ( in a non-creepy way, of course)

That bed looks insanely comfy

Beautiful hands (in a creepy way).

This one does indeed possess a renaissance vibe, contrary to countless other pictures I’ve seen on this sub! Great shot! And a perfect model with the right timing (wisdom teeth are a bitch lol)

It might be the perfect example of what this sub was made for – art 🤌

Oh my god, I love this! It’s perfect! (Also, I hope she recovers quickly, that surgery is not fun)

comment image

If someone took a pic of me sleeping I’d probably look like this. How are some people so photogenic no matter what they do lol.

I remember my sister having her wisdom teeth out. She was high as a kite and ate heaps of ice cream. The anaesthetic wore off, and she puked it all up.

I hope your sister had a better experience.


Is your sister Ana de armas?

That’s one for the wedding reception.

-Ave Maria plays softly in the distance-

I was about to comment accidental renaissance before I realized…

She looks like a nun in repose.

Absolutely classic deathbed portrait styling, wish her a smooth and comfortable healing.

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Beautiful hands (in a very creepy way, of course)

She’s a painting !

Santa Maria De La Dens Serotinus

Beautiful hands


This is a very worthy post imho

Does she know you posted this?

Fantastic pic for sure.

make some trex noises

olivia rodrigo?

Nah bruh reddit ain’t a good place to post pictures of your sister 😭 ( great pic btw)

A little bit, yes

Positively Pieta-esque

So did she get some removed or all of them at the same time?

“Who’s in the house?!”

She’s feelin’ goooooood

I read as Wisdom surgery

Got my wisdom teeth pulled a week before my trip to Mexico. It almost ruined my trip. I was still in pain for a couple weeks AFTER the trip. Crazy experience.



Just sayin a tru sibling would be super gluing a stache

They really make expensive medical devices for everything now. I remember just accepting that some pillow cases were getting thrown out.


I chose to stay awake for my 4 wisdom teeth extraction. Parents were super late getting my prescription for better pain meds so I spent a good amount of time screaming over the kitchen sink spitting blood while my older sister freaked out because our parents weren’t home yet. I’m jealous how “out” she is.

Aubrey Plaza is the best

When i was in middle school, I had 4 “baby teeth” that wouldn’t come out and had to be removed. My mom told me to lie and say my wisdom teeth were giving me issues so we could snag those right away. 

So, total of 8 teeth removed at once, and the next week i was drooling blood all over my pillows /towels while eating soft foods. 

And then a group of random girls who had my number who lived on the other side of town called me up to chat- and I had to awkwardly let them know i couldn’t talk unfortunately.

So yea, hope ur sisters journey goes well!

FUCK MAN this going to be me in march

My wisdom teeth impacted when I was 18, I had them all removed at the same time with my mouth wedged open and vanilla scented nitros oxide being pumped up my nose. Spent the whole surgery inhaling deeply to see if I could hit a limit of high before they cut me off (Im not sure they ever did) and 3 hours later I was at my factory job operating a welding robot.

I know I’m being that guy right now, but my point is that I hate you for the life of comfort you seem to live.

You laugh but this shit sucks

Feeling great I’m sure!!🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

My sister has partial paralysis in her upper body. It’s very similar

Did you at least get those deep, dark secrets?

You’re doing your sister a dirty here. Like any good sibling.

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