My son went with my brother in law to the mall and spent $70 of his Christmas money on “rare” Prime drinks

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You are going to save a TON on college.

You should send me your kid’s contact info. I have the rarest prime flavors ever. They’re all his for the low low price of 200 dollars.

Theres a sucker born every minute.

Over here they are like 1,99 Euro per bottle. But wasting 70 bucks on that hurts.

I once bought one of them with a “popsicle” flavour and it was disgusting. Felt like a pelt on my tongue. And these “zero sugar” things just make me drink even more, it feels like I’m sick

Im in the uk and I can find all of them together for about £15. Whoever your son bought them off, they were definitely scamming him+ the drink is horrible

And he’s…. displaying them instead of drinking them?


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Kids got cred

OP, your son is a South Park episode.

Children are products of their environment. It appears YouTube has done a majority of the educating here.


Brawndo’s got what plants crave: It’s got electrolytes!

Bro, you collect sneakers and own a Tesla. I’m pretty sure he got his money skills from you.

Your BIL straight up went “it’s your mom’s/dad’s problem”

Unless there’s a secondary market for prime that I’m unaware of, he got scammed.

sorry OP I hate your son

Jesus, South Park got it right…

Your son should not be allowed to handle their own finances until they’re 35

Your BIL is stupid

Oh yeaaaah I memba that south park


I saw them for $0.99 at Ollie’s a few weeks ago.

“Rare” drinks lmao.

I’ll never get this. My friends kid is obsessed with prime and always searching for certain flavors. He’s too young to even be drinking them imo, much less collecting them.

Login Paul laughing all the way to the bank, saying “sucker born with every Prime sold”

My kids are adults now but I remember the Christmas my dad convinced me to “let them spend it, it’s their money!” So I did, even though I thought it was ridiculous. They are 19&24 and spent a lot of time talking at christmas about all the cool shit they had in their game 13 years ago.

Let the boy have his prime. He either learns a lesson or has a great story to tell.

Man, entertainment for kids in the 80’s was also a pretty shameless parade of product placement what with half of the characters existing just to sell toys, but this?? I genuinely do not get this. Feels like “influencers” are brainwashing kids into being perfect little consumers that don’t require anything more than a logo on the things they consume.

Prime is absolutely awful

Ouch. The store I work at still has glowberry in stock, for like $3.

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