My sympathies to his daughter

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I was pretty sure this was the case. It’s a fucking tragedy.

It would be easier to name the demographics he *doesn’t* hate tbf

I guess he found the silver lining from his failed dick surgery, now he can pick the sex of his test tube children.

I hate to make the comparison, but since she bought up the point that it’s a monetary transaction, I’m going to say it’s more of a “failed” investment.

Elon invested into a boy, did not pan out. Looking at it with a business perspective, he’s almost hedging his bets by doing it again 14+ times.

It’s amazing what a person with a mangled penis, oodles of money, and a insecurity about his mangled penis will do to appear manly, including siring multiple multiple sons (and one daughter that he didn’t expect to happen until she had her own voice in the matter). When all he has to do is simply love his children. That’s the best thing a man with children can do.

This is why we love Vivian, constantly calling out her ex-dad on his bullshit

OMG I saw this but I didn’t realize she was his daughter! This is insane

It took re-reading for the full effect of her words to hit me. How utterly sad. Her “father” is devoid of kindness, empathy and justice.

Every. Single. Day.

There is something that makes elon seem worse and worse as a person, as a business owner, as a father, literally everything. I fully believe that he’s currently the most hated person on the planet.

Ask a conservative if they know how many embryos are discarded during the IVF process.

Elon a misogynist? Who could have predicted that?

/s because this is Reddit

Wait, he has said that his trans daughter is dead?

This mother fucker is probably using CRISPR to modify the genes of his test tube babies. Elon is building augments and ushering in the Eugenics Wars. If the next one is named Khan, we’re cooked.

What’s funnier is that it’s Elon’s genes that made Vivian a girl. 😭

Umm I am pretty sure that Elmo’s daughter disowned herself before Elon could say anything. He even did that stupid buzzword phrase of “woke mind virus” had gotten to her.

That is exactly the kind of thing a nazi does.


It’s been widely speculated that all Elons children have been ivf and genetically pre determined to be male at birth.

One of the most important tenets of [Nazism]( was the use of eugenics in order to maintain racial purity. They despised those with physical deformities. congenital disabilities and mental illness. Anything that deviated from their harsh parameters of perfection. Combine that with this disgusting quote from Tommy Tuberville during the Alabama IVF fiasco he said, “Anything we can do for the future of our young people [**because they’re our #1 commodity.**]( We need to have more kids.”

COMMODITY: “a raw material or primary agricultural **product that can be bought and sold…**” That’s the value they put on children.

Everyone keeps mentioning Musk’s mangled penis and despite not being sure if i want to know i’m going to have to ask what we’re talking about lol.

He big mad to learn money doesn’t buy happiness.- which is really something to learn when it involves creating people.

i don’t understand the bit about it being a commodity?


All his big talk about Neuralink coupled with his weird breeding fetish and insistence on male children definitely give me the suspicion that he’s waiting for the ‘right’ one to try to upload his consciousness to in the future. Not that I think it’ll work, of course, but I wouldn’t put it past him to try.

Musk is literally the definition of a sick, freak. He has all of the resources to get the help that he needs, but instead he thinks he’s some kind of god running around screwing with people’s lives (allegedly due to a botched penile implant).

Patrick Tomlinson has some weird stuff going on with trolls on the internet for like a decade, I can’t take anything he posts seriously.


What a sad, sad little nazi fElon.

Hope she thrives despite all that.

Gender and Body Dysmorphia is no joke 🙁

eesh, that’s wild

he couldn’t sexually perform and satisfy, and possibly messed up his dick trying to make it bigger and now we’re all dealing with his desperate efforts to compensate for never being able to feel the way he thinks a man should

wreak havoc on the world instead of simply getting some damn therapy

…why she still using Twitter though?? ….and paying for the blue check???

She’s lucky she got to pick her own name. Her sister Exa Dark Sidreal, not so lucky.

I just spoke with someone who has a relative who works at SpaceX and they were explicitly told not to hire any more women. Elon views women as birthing machines and no more.

She was also originally Elon’s first born ‘son’ and was to inherit his empire. THAT is why he flipped out. Also, he has 2 shitty parents and a dad who did not love him. Sound familiar?

Constantly impressed by how articulate and downright brilliant this teenager is.

Leon Skum is sicker than I thought.

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