My thoughts, as a kid.

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>as a kid.

Nah, this persists through adulthood

For most of my life I have been sleeping facing towards the wall, haven’t been killed yet, will inform you when it happens

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As a kid, I’d sleep facing towards the wall because I thought that if I opened my eyes in the middle of the night I would just see a wall whereas if I opened my eyes when I was facing towards the room I could see a whole ass monster

Hmmmm , but if you think about it , danger is always 100% , because ghost can pass through wall.

But what if i want the ghost to give me a backshot?

There is a practical reason to sleep on one side or the other.
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Hands sticking out of duvet means a goblin will come along and cut them off too. So keep them under for maximum security

Throughout my childhood, I would always sleep facing the wall. In fact, I am touching the wall, literally sticking my body towards the wall to sleep.

For me it’s the opposite. If it can’t render in perennial FOV it can’t hurt me


and then there’s me

whos been cursed throughout my whole life by having a bed which only the top part is facing against the wall, with both sides being opened to whatever

Hang your leg off the bed if you’re feeling extra risky. You’ll get a nice cool breeze with a chance of the monsters grabbing it.

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Yeah that is legitimate Feng Shui

Me when my back is literally against the wall

Comfort = 100%

Safety = 100%

Sleepy = feel alseep asap

Me when my back isn’t against the wall:

Comfort = 0%

Safety = 0%

Sleepy = can’t fuckin sleep at all

I was the opposite, I felt safer when looking at the wall

Personally, I used blanket to cover my whole body for 100% comfort 100% flexibility and 0% ghost

For me, facing a wall is safer, as the ghost can’t see your face and so thinks you are not there. Also, the better you are tucked in, the better the illusion, so I try to leave only my nose outside of the blanket.

unpopular choice : have a bedroom the exact width of your bed , place the bed with the sides and head on the walls and only the foot to get in and out , this way no demon attacks

Wait, if ghosts attack you from behind when facing wall, doesn’t that mean that you’re attacking ghosts when you’re facing them?

I dont have that problem since my bed is squished between two walls.

I always thought I’d be safe, though, as I had a Nerf gun under my pillow

Ghost iz Kanoe Yuuko seekin pookie thingz 😏

I am most comfortable sleeping to wall, guess it’s win-win

To this day…

na sleeping facing the wall would trick your parents into thinking ur asleep.

This is why I order my dog to sleep on the right. My sense tells the dog can neutralize any ghost by just sitting there.

I used to be afraid of being suffocated by the wall writing hand from the bible (I imaged like the hand from Adams) when I was a kid so I slept the other way even though the wall was more comfy.

Thanks parents

Na I’m still worried one day I’ll wake up roll over and see some ghoulish face in the darkness

Can’t ghosts move through walls?

I ate my veggies and drank my milk, thereby growing to titanic dimensions and gaining the confidence to obliterate any ghost that would encroach on my peace.

Considering that I’d occasionally see my mom’s disembodied head on the floor while trying to sleep, this tracks.

I still do this 😭😭

Pretty much. Never let a foot off the mattress. Whatever’s in the corner will get you

*covering yourself with blanket*

now the ghosts cant catch me

When it’s better to leave the bedroom’s door open so the dogs can come and leave my room but I just leave it closed because I feel more comfortable that way.

Funny for me it was always the other way around

So thats why my gf always wants to get the wall side of the bed

Eventually that 25 percent becomes a hundred percent

If u face the wall the world behind u stops existing so ur basically immortal.

Wtf? No. Ghosts attack exposed feet.

Don’t some ghosts Phase through walls though?

Mine was Aliens…

there’s a really stupid macho belief in my country (maybe not only my?) that a man has to sleep on the side of the bed closer to the door, and ideally facing the door, because apparently that’s the only way he’s going to save his family in case of mid-night ghost intrusion

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