My vacation plan in America as an European:

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It’s a little out of the way, but Iowa has a LOT of corn!

I can’t stress this enough.

Miami to Vegas in 2 hours? You taking the scenic route?


I’ll be spending the evening in NYC. Where should I go in 3 hours to experience most of the city?


Don’t forget to try our fast, efficient, and inexpensive passenger rail network.

Based. This sounds like a amazing trip. Enjoy the Mexican food

This is Europeans when they visit Australia

I can do these routes in 10 mins with the F16 I got at walmart thanks to US gun/self-defense laws

Make sure not to miss the world-renowned medieval architecture from the old town centers

You could probably squeeze in Alaska. It would only add 3 hours extra to your trip

You laugh, but we get that with people planning trips to Australia all the time.

I’ve actually seen a British person plan out a trip like this unironically.

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Havana is beautiful this time of year! Please consider adding it to part of your drive

Make sure to visit the historic parking lot in Alameda [](

By “drive” do you mean flying a F-35 from location to location?

Because if so, then yes, this is achievable.

is you’re name Barry Allen by chance ?

What are you driving? A fighter jet

Santa’s route

Hop in to Las Vegas mate, its like 20 minute more

In the vast Future possible with 3 hyperloops

I compeletwly forgot there was a state called Nebraska 💀

What is that like a mandilla effect?

It is funny because that is how Americans plan trips to Europe unironically.

No New England?

The east coast has better Caribbean cruise options, just something to bear in mind

Totally doable

80 hours of driving is fun

Op this is the funniest fucking image I’ve ever seen

Boys playing to move at Mach Jesus

Google Maps is your friend

Also if your able too squeeze in Atlantis when you drive back to Europe

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