My wife cuts the hole in the milk bag too small, and doesn’t like it when I make it bigger.

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every redditor from western Canada a is seething with rage and they have no idea why

dude, just stop drinking from your wife’s milkbags.


My brain when I read “milk bag”


Actually just cut a hole on the other corner, same size. This will allow air to flow into the bag while the milk can exit freely without hick-ups or the bag crumbling up. Then the size of the hole isn’t that important actually.

What the fuck is a milk bag?! I can’t tell if you’re living in the future or the past!

The US has some big problems these days, but least we have jugs!

I mean, if it’s just a little infuriating… well… that’s what this subreddit is for. Too many people who should post on r/extremelyinfuriating post here, making others call people like you wimps. They’re really just overexposed to much worse shit.

Don’t mind me. Just an American lurking in the comments with no idea what is going on

I saw this thread and immediately thought, “Americans seeing this are going to have their minds blown”. Happens Every time. lol. 🇨🇦

First time I visited Ontario and my friend stopped at the store for milk after picking me up. I just straight up blue-screened for a few seconds when she grabbed a fucking *bag of milk* from a whole aisle case of *bags of milk* like this was a totally normal and sane way of delivering cow juice.

Now I’m reading these comments and just crying lmao 🤣

Found the Canadian.

I hope she atleast will finish the whole bowl.

Sorry, still odd your Milk is in a bag. Hope you are having fun in the Great White North.

Genuine question for the Canadians, why are milk bags a thing? It just seems like such an impractical container. Please enlighten me on its benefits

How to let Reddit know you’re Canadian.

“milkbag” is my new favorite slur for Canadians.

I’m just here for the confused Americans

I knew Canadians used bags of milk, but I always assumed the bag would like, have a screw on lid somehow, or maybe it can zip lock or something, but you literally have to cut a hole in the bag? How do you close it? Do you have to use the whole bag each time? Are they single serving milk bags?

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Are you Canadian anyways free cat pic

sympathy from America 🫡

Your milk is in a bag???

Milk… bag?

Tell me you’re Canadian without telling me you’re Canadian, lol

Cinnamon toast a crunch a man of culture

You are missing critical details – is the photo before or after making the hole bigger?

This is the most aggressive east Canadian thing ever

The fuck you mean bag of milk?

A milk bag?

Wtf is a milk bag

Milk Bag? WTF

…. milk… bag? …. milk bag? 🤨

What? milk *bag*??

The problem is that your milk is in a bag.

You pansy, ASSERT DOMINANCE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD! Cut the entire top off the bag!

Cut a hole on the opposite end that’s bigger and tape it tightly shut/ store the milk bag in a pitcher so the tips are up =3 His and hers pour-

This post is Canadian as fuck

There’s some science beyond this phenomenon. It’s like the giant cans of Hawaiian Punch from when I was a kid in the 70s. Mom always punched a hole on each side of the top. If you have only one hole it pours much more slowly. Also, it’s kinda like giant laundry detergent from Costco – always turn the screw cap a fraction before using the spout. If not, the container starts to cave in on itself.

Divorce her

TIL Canadians drink milk from bags

The less air that touches the milk, the longer it can last without spoiling. It may be irritating but it will make the milk last longer if you remove the air when done and seal it up with minimal air in the bag with the milk.

Americans in here wondering what a milk bag is.

Okay, sorry but I need to ask. How do you store the milk in the refrigerator if it’s in a bag and not a container that is rigid? Does the bag stay upright or do you have to pinch it shut?

This is so different than my experiences with bottles, cartons, and plastic jugs

I thought you were supposed to empty these into a special pitcher?

Nothing makes me more patriotic for Canada than hundreds of Americans calling us savages for something I’ve grown up with my whole life 🇨🇦

I don’t get why having it in a bag is that big of a deal, milk is milk

Bag, carton, bottle, whatever, it all came from a cow and it all tastes the same ¯_(ツ)_/¯

This thread is comedy gold for those of us who are familiar with milk in bags

What the heck, I’m from Ireland and had no idea milk bags were a thing

TIL there are milk bags.

So how do you store it if you don’t use it all.

Wtf is a milkbag?

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