My wife put a small plate in our pot and now it’s jammed

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Fill the sink and pot with hot water. The metal should expand and release the plate.

Smash plate with hammer, pour into garbage.

Kinda satisfying ngl. And how did she get it in without dropping it in the pan?

Very next day the same thing happened lmao


That’s not jam, it’s a plate

Put a towel down. Turn pot upside down on top of it. Leave it for the morning. Wake up. Stretch. Let the dog out. Pour yourself a nice coffee. Lift up the pot.

Then let us know.

I have no idea if this will work.

Okay hear me out, get a dildo that has a suction mechanism…


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Man that looks satisfying,

Fill it with water

Have you lost the bleeps, the sweeps, and the creeps?

Had to blame the wife, didn’t you?

Break the plate while the other plates are looking. No other plate will dare to get stuck in that pot again

Plunger next time

You had such an incredible excuse to break something, though…

Just get a new one. How hard could it be to find another wife?

Metals expand when warmed up put water in it and put it on the stove. watch the plate float once the water gets hot enough.

The obligatory put pot in hot water and ice on plate

Had a similar problem like yours. Unfortunately need to find a replacement. I heard good things about hinge.

Just keep putting more plates in, until its full of plates.

This won’t get the plates out, but it will result in a pot full of plates.

What do you mean? I don’t see any jam.

Use the suction cup end of a dildo

This happened to me as a kid with my favorite Care Bears plate!! 15 years later I’m still not over it lol

Put water in pot. heat. Metal will expand, water will get under the plate and break the vacuum.

Take it to the garage and blow compressed air under one edge of the plate. Wear safety glasses just in case.

Smash with hammer, dispose of wife’s body, then use hot water to expand the pot, getting the plate

Top it up with water and bring it to a boil, the metal pot should expand a little to get it out.

Just drop the pot and the plate should come out.

Use your wife’s toys and suction the base onto the plate

Put it on a soft surface and bang the edge with a wooden spoon 

I’m glad that you got it resolved
so soon 🙃🙂
I was thinking of the same solution.

Flip it over and put it in the oven at 350F. It will fall off on the grid.



Put it in the freezer for a bit and it might be enough to get it out. Cold shrinks things and heat expands things.

Freeze it.

You could just turn it upside down.

My brain: Break the plate.

Fridge for an hour, work plenty of cooking oil around the plate rim, place upside down on a towel and pat the end of the pot repeatedly.

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