My wife says I “have a type” after I showed her my Top 25

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Definitely Bro vibes. But these are some awesome Bro movies

your type is imdb top 250

college dorm room poster ass list

Dude guy bro.

Straight white male

Does that “type” also include 300? LOL

It’s your basic movie bro list. (Nothing wrong with that, but maybe try branching out a bit more.)

But this sub loves those movies, so you’re in the right place to find more along the same lines.

what i notice: nothing before like 1990s

100% white guy

It’s called “Film Bro”

dudebro guy

Those movies rock.

Bro needs to branch out

It’s the equivalent of liking only pop music or EDM but for films. Not a lot of range and appreciation for art that doesn’t fit your expected format

Lot of testosterone going on there

No country for old men doesn’t make your top 25?

You like good mainstream movies. So what? Don’t let other people tell you what to like. If you were into obscure French films from the 60s would that be better?

I don’t think this says much about you at all. These are all widely beloved blockbusters. If I had to guess, I’d say you’re an American guy between 25 and 50, probably in your thirties—but that’s about it. It’s a mainstream list, but I enjoy all of these movies myself, along with old silent films, avant-garde arthouse films and everything in between. Nothing remarkable here, no red flags, just objectively entertaining movies to the masses.

’90s teenager movie list

These are the movies that people will change their entire personalities over

Your type is you’re a man in his mid-40s

Bros will be bros.

Popular films. Not likely to offend or upset anybody.

A safe list to be sure.

NGL. Some of these would be on my top 25 but not most of them.

These are on my lists too, but I’m female. Am I a bro finally?

You have a type; awesome movies!!

Mainstream as hell

Definitely Hollywood is your type.

Damn, comments like these are the reasons why people who like movies get clowned on

You def do lol but thats ok

Good list, but check out some films that are older than 1993.

You like popular, violent movies.

Type: Film did not exist before 1991

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